Page 18 - Latino_Report_Economic_Growth_June_2017
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          Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product by Industry:
          BEA, GDP by State:

          Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey: of the Census, American Community

          IPUMS-USA, University of Minnesota,

          World Bank, Gross Domestic Product by Country:

          Selected Co-Authored Publications

          Hayes-Bautista, David E.; Schink, Werner O.; Chapa, Jorge.  The Hispanic Portfolio: An Investment Guide to the Future.  The
          California Hispanic Affairs Council, Sacramento, CA, 1983
          Hayes-Bautista, David E.; Schink, Werner; Chapa, Jorge.  The Burden of Support: The Young Latino Population in an Aging
          American Society. Stanford University Press, 1988.
          Hayes-Bautista, D.E.; Schink, W.O., & Hayes-Bautista, M.  “Latinos and the 1992 Los Angeles Riots: A Behavioral Sciences
          Perspective,” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 15(4) (1993).
          Hayes-Bautista, D.E.; Schink, W.O.; Hayes-Bautista, M.  “Educational Diversity in the Inner City: Latino and Black Education
          Attainment of Southern Central Los Angeles,” Journal of the Association of Mexican American Educators.  (1993)

          Hayes-Bautista, D.E., Schink, W.; Rodríguez, G.  “Latino Immigrants in Los Angeles: A Portrait from the 1990 Census” (Los
          Angeles: Alta California Policy Research Center, 1995).

          Hayes-Bautista, D.E.; Chang, C.; Schink, W.  “Latino and Non-Latino Elderly in Los Angeles County: A Pilot Study of Demographic
          Trends for Disability and Long-Term Care,” in J.L. Angel, F. Torres-Gil, & K. Markides, eds., Aging, Health, and Longevity in the
          Mexican-Origin Population (New York: Springer, 2012): 227–241.
          Sánchez, G.; Nevarez, T.; Schink, W.; Hayes-Bautista, D.E.  “Latino Physicians in the United States, 1980–2010: A Thirty-Year
          Overview from the Censuses,” Academic Medicine, Epub, 27 Jan. 2015.
          Hayes-Bautista, T.M.; Schink, W.; Hayes-Bautista, D.E.  “Latino Nurses in the United States: A Thirty-Year Overview (1980–
          2010).” American Journal of Nursing (in press).

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