Page 33 - Latino_Report_Economic_Growth_June_2017
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Appendix C.1: Latino Employment and Work Force Participation Summary
Latinos, Latino Civilian Latinos, Not in the Non-Latinos, Non-Latino Civilian Non-Latinos, Not in
Military Workers Work Force Military Workers the Work Force
Total, 2010 133,960 23,809,586 11,412,464 925,188 132,163,372 75,401,604
Total, 2015 156,506 26,823,994 13,261,948 863,733 133,886,608 81,246,056
Change, 2010–15 22,546 3,014,408 1,849,484 (61,455) 1,723,236 5,844,452
% Change, 2010–15 16.8% 12.7% 16.2% -6.6% 1.3% 7.8%
Ages 16–24, 2010 62,337 4,472,431 3,485,352 346,760 17,807,773 13,325,392
Ages 16–24, 2015 73,360 4,832,042 3,679,346 320,947 17,962,933 12,839,545
Change, 2010–15 11,023 359,611 193,994 (25,813) 155,160 (485,847)
% Change, 2010–15 17.7% 8.0% 5.6% -7.4% 0.9% -3.6%
Ages 25–64, 2010 71,623 18,905,736 5,548,324 578,428 108,297,422 30,495,222
Ages 25–64, 2015 83,146 21,383,333 6,446,010 542,786 108,293,386 32,067,202
Change, 2010–15 11,523 2,477,597 897,686 (35,642) (4,036) 1,571,980
% Change, 2010–15 16.1% 13.1% 16.2% -6.2% 0.0% 5.2%
Ages 65+, 2010 275,348 787,116 - 3,591,530 9,823,735
Ages 65+, 2015 387,808 1,113,719 - 4,617,987 12,364,997
Change, 2010–15 112,460 326,603 - 1,026,457 2,541,262
% Change, 2010–15 40.8% 41.5% 28.6% 25.9% 32