Page 4 - Koka Rwanda report
P. 4
Why choose Rwanda
as a Real Estate Investment Location
Country facts Kenya Rwanda ADVISOR Y GROUP
"Rwanda recognizes free access to land to all
Total Residential Supply Volume (m²) people (Rwandan or foreigners). People can acquire
land from private persons or from the State. The
lease period cannot exceed forty-nine (49) years
for any kind of land use, whether acquired from
No to agricultural land. Yes for a leasehold period
the State or from private individuals.A foreigner
of no more than 90years.
may be granted freehold title if provided for by an
international convention that Rwanda is signatory
to or under the condition of reciprocity deriving
from bilateral agreements.
In Special Economic Zones, a foreigner shall be
treated as a national and may be granted a free
hold title."
Total Residential Supply Volume (m²)
Total Office Supply Volume (m²)
Total Retail Supply Volume (m²)
Total Industrial Supply Volume (m²)
Lease and Purchase Transactions Volume in
Not Available as yet Not Available as yet
Q3 2017 (m²) (Demand)
Average Prime Residential Rental Rate
Average Prime Industrial Rental Rate
Average Prime Retail Rental Rate
Average Prime Office Rental Rate
Industrial Land Prices (Prime Zones)
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