Page 194 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 194
My I&S I had always thought that Latitudes
and Longitudes are not necessary, but
through this unit, I learnt the importance
growth of these imaginary lines. I learnt about
the different kinds of maps and what
they represent. I learnt about the Hot,
- Zoya Gupta, MYP 1 Temperate and Frigid Zone. This helped
me understand what kind of climate
Egypt, Greece, India and China. Maps, would be in the places that fall in these
Longitudes Latitudes and Zones. Rivers, zones.
Mountains, Valleys and settlements. I have
learnt so much this year. In my first ‘I & Till now, I & S has not only helped me
S’ class I did not have any interest in the improve my knowledge, but also my
subject, but when we started learning about communication, thinking and research
the ancient Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Skills. Sometimes we feel that history
Neolithic Periods, I started realising that ‘I and geography is useless and boring,
& S’ might just become one of my favourite but because we have not tried to
subjects. When we were learning about the understand the subject, we do not like
Indus civilisation I was intrigued to learn it and think that it is a complete waste
more about the civilisation’s history. In the of time. I realised that to understand
classes, I learnt about the famous Egyptian the subject and make connections,
Civilisation and the amazing Greek one must read and travel to connect
Civilisation. The Chinese Civilisation and the dots. I am travelling to south India
the Mesopotamian Civilisation absolutely during my spring break and I plan to
fascinated me. I understood how the Silk understand the history and geography
Route connected so many civilisations and of the locations that I would visit.
cultures.The first unit helped me learn about At the beginning of the academic year,
our ancestors and their creations. I realised I had not imagined that I & S would be
that we would not be where we are now, so much fun and so helpful, but when I
in a world where most things come easily, tried to understand the subject, it opened
if the Mesopotamians had not made the up a whole new world. Nowadays, it is
wheel and if the Chinese had not invented one of my favourite subjects. Again, I
paper. urge people to try understanding I & S,
and I am sure they will like it and will be
After the first unit, I looked forward to intrigued to know more.
the next one, Latitudes and Longitudes.