Page 203 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 203
It's our life
It's our right
We need our freedom
We want to sing our anthem
Girls or boys, wherever we are
Just treat us equal, whoever we are
I die of hunger
People call me a beggar
I’m lonely like a leaf
Because of ‘where I live’!
People call me names
Who has to take the blame?
I belong to a religion,
Do you have a problem?
It is my character that matters,
But by your actions, my world shatters
I want to erase the divisive words
And create a new world
With equality, with ample space for diversity
- Yeseul MYP 1B
After the cold winter days
Times like today leave me in a daze
The sun smiling gently upon
The leaves dancing up and down
A light breeze
(Not the kind that makes me sneeze)
Flowers in full bloom
Swathe me in gentle perfume
Spring is here after all!
- Aiyana MYP1A