Page 209 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 209

Get Some Sleep

            - Simar Bhogal, MYP - 4

            I’m sure most of us have stayed up                 this all relate to sleep deprivation? In
            late at night, trying to finish some               several previous studies, humans and
            homework, to catch up with your                    animals who have experienced one-
            favourite late-night show, or maybe                night of sleep deprivation have woken
            you just can’t sleep because of all the            up with higher levels of amyloid beta

            thoughts running across your brain.                and tau. This is because the brain
            We don’t see this as a big deal, we                eliminates extra amyloid beta and tau
            don’t think much about it or what                  when we are asleep, and when enough
            it can do to our health, and that is               sleep is not given, the two proteins can
            mostly because we don’t know what it               easily accumulate in the brain. And it’s
            can do to our health.                              not only sleep deprivation that causes

            We have two very important proteins                this, a stage of deep sleep called ‘slow
            in our brain - amyloid beta and tau.               wave sleep’ causes a 30% increase in
            Our brain’s ability to change or adapt             amyloid beta levels if disrupted. Not
            or in other words, our neuroplasticity             sleeping for one-night results in a 50%

            is controlled by amyloid beta.                     increase in tau levels.
            Tau protein helps to regulate and                  Hence, we have learnt, that not only
            stabilize the signals that go back and             efficient sleep but also quality sleep
            forth between our neuronal cells.                  is required for our body to naturally
            Both of these proteins play a major                get rid of excess proteins that could
            role in the lives of those who have                potentially give us a lifelong and
            Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s                   life-altering disease. Because most
            disease is a chronic neurodegenerative             people today are constantly on their
            disease, which means it causes the                 screens, including you right now. our
            degeneration of your neurons over a                eyes absorb the blue light emitted by
            prolonged period of time. There is no              our devices. This blue light ages our
            cure for this disease yet, other than              eyes and could cause insomnia. Some

            HDAC inhibitors which may be able                  preventive methods you could adopt
            to reduce levels of certain proteins               are - turn the night light or night shift
            in the brain, but the results are not              in your device on, purchase blue light
            proven. In a brain with Alzheimer’s                blocking glasses or reduce your screen
            disease, scientists have found excessive           time but most importantly, get some
            amounts of both, amyloid beta and                  sleep, not because it feels good, but
            tau tangles in the brain. So how does              because you need it.
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