Page 46 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 46
- Deepanshi Matai
& Aanya Chowbey
aabta - The Winter the ultimate ambassadors Sector 45, Gurugram
R Carnival 2019 at of goodwill for not only and Col. and Mrs.
DPSI was a celebration themselves but also for Sehgal accompanied by
of deep bonds and life- those around them. Ms Rima Singh, Head of
long connections that the School, DPSI. The guests
students are encouraged This day was dedicated were greeted with a flash
to form with those to those who have mob dance by the staff of
closest to them, namely been the backbone and DPSI. The star attraction
their peers, teachers, strength of our students’ of the day was the Crazy
parents, grandparents families, loving them Hat competition in which
and relatives. Keeping unconditionally and the students had been
in sync with the school’s keeping them grounded encouraged to team up
vision of creating global to essential family values with their parents and
citizens who encourage - their grandparents. grandparents and present
harmony and respect for a creatively designed hat
different cultures, Raabta The staff and students using recycled material.
time in the mornings is were encouraged to Many enthusiastic pairs
an attempt to inculcate dress in shades of walked the ramp with
in students the desire blue, the colour closely hats that were not just
to reach out to the associated with trust, ‘crazy’ but also sent out
community by developing loyalty, wisdom, faith, an important message.
necessary skills required confidence, but more From raising awareness
to become caring and importantly, it evokes a on waste plastic that
empathetic citizens the deep sense of nostalgia. endangers birds to acid
world so dearly requires. rain, pertinent issues
These connections push The occasion was graced were addressed by the
social and emotional by Ms Devyani Jaipuria, contestants who were
awareness in children Pro-Vice Chairperson judged on their creativity
and facilitate their DPSI, Ms Aditi Misra and presentation.
journey into becoming Director Principal DPS,