Page 11 - WCA Family Handbook
P. 11

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Important Things To Know

                                For infants through age 2, please dress your child for school in
                                washable,  comfortable  play  clothes  so  that  they  can  enjoy  all
                                aspects  of  play  including  painting,  arts  and  crafts,  water  table
           For your child’s     and outdoor play. Families should plan for unexpected weather
          safety, all mobile    changes by keeping a jacket or sweater at school or dressing your
        children are required   child in layers. Children ages 3 and up, see our seperate uniform
         to wear closed toe     policy.
                                Children who walk must wear closed toe shoes rather than boots,
                                flip-flops, sandals, or open-toed shoes.  This is for your child’s
                                safety.  Young children are very active and need supportive,
                                sturdy shoes to ensure their safety. Walnut Creek Acadmey is not
                                responsible for lost or damaged clothing.
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