Page 7 - the_distinction_2018_oceanfrontsir
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        At the core of Oceanfront’s           farming, competing in canoe          work to connect you with the
        philosophy is a deep belief in        paddling, sipping Mai Tais,          people you need to know.
        the immeasurable value of             or just “talking story,” at the      These types of human to
        “'Ohana.” This is reflected in        nearest beach                        human relationships are
        the way we do business.                                                    impossible to cultivate
                                              Our 'ohana spirit, longevity,        overnight or even over the
        We encourage a spirit of              and professionalism, have            course of a few years.
        cooperation and trust.                allowed us to establish and
        Our agents value their                nurture strong relationships         Sotheby's International
        relationships with other              with an entire ecosystem of          Realty, founded in 1976
        Realtors in the field,                businesses, professionals and        and built on a brand with
        regardless of which                   individuals across the island.       nearly 250 years of history
        brokerage they represent.                                                  embodies the value of 'ohana
                                              When you work with                   through its commitment to
        Our common thread is a deep           Oceanfront Sotheby’s                 exceptional service. One of
        understanding that we all             International Realty, we also        the most recognized and
        work together with                                                                  respected brands in
        a common goal to                                                                    the world offers you
        represent our clients                                                               an extraordinary real
        to the best of our                                                                  estate experience
        abilities.                                                                          with global resources.
        Although real estate
        can be competitive,                                                                 We encourage you to
        our agents are                                                                      further explore this
        professionals                                                                       brochure and see the
        through and through.                                                                many professional
                                                                                            and strategic
        Outside of work,                                                                    partnership benefits
        our agents can                                                                      we offer to our
        often be found                                                                      clients.
        with Realtors from
        other brokerages                                                                    Your agent is ready to
        performing at music                                                                 help you begin your
        venues, doing                                                                       journey today.
        volunteer work,


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