Page 11 - LIFE
P. 11

pain to decamp. Totally wearing him out.

          It was period in lifetime he lost his feelings for eve-

          rything for everyone. And she lost all the dreams

          and aims she had for her life. Reaching him back

          became a new dream, to work on it rather designed

          the heart and scared the mind.

          Words were far too bad than the red hot rods which

          are getting prepared for to mould themselves. But

          in the absence of her he could feel just blank and

          thought about her commitment towards him. And

          never did she knew it would become black mark in

          her life to  be raised about it. Getting away from

          everything without giving a thought about any word

          spoken in anger made them stick to each other ir-

          respective of what ever so happened.

          And as it happened, clock stopped saying it was

          time to break up. But its not easy to be so too. Or to

          listen that she is not needed from the same one

          who loved and told he needed her. Not at all the

          easy breathe to assume or think so even to lead a

          single day where he wouldn't mark his presence.

          Break up, which she never personally believed in or

          rather knew why it was the option. Ah, a bit too

          much to take one up on the other yet flooding with
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