Page 54 - Lenten Devotional 2023
P. 54
Sunday, April 2 (cont)
Reflection Questions/Activities
What stirs within you?
When have you encountered another person who embodied God as Mother?
What were they like? How did you feel when you were near them?
Reflect on what it may feel like from the infant’s perspective in this verse from Hosea.
Imagine what it feels like in your body to be tucked in a blanket while being lovingly
cuddled by someone you love. You might notice a sense of changing temperature or
muscle tension in your body; a memory may arise where you were the one holding an
infant, or even a memory of yourself as an infant being held. Carry these moments with
you over the next few days. When you find yourself being upset, recall this image of God
as Mother as well as the physical sensations you notice. You may also reflect on God’s
perspective using the same prompts as above.
~Carol Olson (First Lutheran member)