Page 27 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 27

The Story Behind the Carol                                        Bible Verse:

                                                                         Isaiah 60:19-20
      This  carol  was  suggested  by  Sherri  Cotter  as  it  was
      her   grandmother’s   favorite   Christmas   carol.  George
      Cooper (1840-1927), a New York native, wrote this
                                                                 The   sun   shall   no   longer   be   your   light   by
      poem.   He   studied   law,   although   he   never   practiced,
                                                                 day,  nor  for  brightness  shall  the  moon  give
      was  a  well  educated  man.  He  translated  hymns  and
                                                                 light   to   you   by   night;   but   the   Lord   will   be
      songs   that   were   written   in   several   different
                                                                 your   everlasting   light,   and   your   God   will
      languages   into   English.   Some   of   his   lyrics   were   set
                                                                 be   your   glory.   Your   sun   shall   no   more   go
      by  Stephen  Foster.  Cooper  set  the  poem,  Star  of  the
                                                                 down,      or   your   moon   withdraw   itself;   for
      East, to a preexisting piano piece, Star of the Sea, by
                                                                 the  Lord  will  be  your  everlasting  light,  and
      Amanda   Kennedy   (1867-?),   which   she   wrote   when
                                                                 your days of mourning shall be ended.
      she   was   16   years   old.   The   piano   accompaniment   is
      almost   identical   with   her   earlier   composition,   but
      added   the   melody   line.   As   we   walk   toward
      Epiphany,   toward   the   star   of   Bethlehem,   the   light
      shines  pointing  where  Hope  was  born.  The  light  did
      not  stay  at  the  manger.  We  are  to  follow  the  eternal
      light   as   we   pray   to   manifest   God’s   presence   in   our
      daily life.

         Text: George Cooper / Tune: Amanda Kennedy
                 Performed by Sherri Cotter, vocal
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