Page 36 - February 2021 Issue.indd
P. 36

Community Calendar                                   FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5
                                                                                 Friday Nite Dinner at Denton
                                                                                 American Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion
            MONDAYS                            SATURDAYS                         Road.  5-7 PM. Menu to be determined.
            The Ridgely Lions meet on the 2nd   The Greensboro Historical Society   $8. Entertainment-Jeff  Washington on
            and 4th Mondays of each month at the   Museum, 104 E. Sunset Ave., is open     guitar,  7-10 PM.  Info. 410-479-2708.
            Ridgely United Methodist Church Social   every other Saturday from 10-1.     SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6
            Hall at 107 Central Avenue in Ridgely at   Presentations to follow every other
            6:30 PM. For more info on the Ridgely   month. Also open by appointment. Our   Downtown Denton Main Street invites
            Lions go to or   mission is the preservation of our local   you to Shop Small Saturday Passport
   lions club.   history and heritage, education and   Event from  10-3. Tanglao Carriage Rides
            We are always seeking new members   outreach to the greater Greensboro   from  11-3 PM, debut of Denton Dollars

            who are interested in serving their   community. Stop by to see local artifacts   (our new digital gift card program). For
            community.                         and to learn about Greensboro of olden   more information: downtowndenton.
            TUESDAYS                           times. We also look forward to hearing
            Tuesday Bingo at Denton American   your memories of old Greensboro   FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12
                                               and your thoughts on how best to   Valentine Day Dinner at Denton
            Legion Post 29. 7:30 PM. Snacks at
                                               preserve the history and heritage of   American Legion Post #29, 9238
            break and computers available. Info 410
                                               our community. Masks must be worn   Legion Road.  5-7 PM.  Fish & Shrimp $8
            -479- 2708.
                                               and social distancing observed.   for one or $12 for both. Entertainment
            FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS                                                  by “Country Express” 7-10 PM. Info.
                                               Preston Historical Society is closed
            Federalsburg Museum, located at 100                                  410-479 2708.
                                               for the winter and will resume
            Covey & Williams Alley in Federalsburg,
                                               Saturday hours in April 2021. For more   TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16
            will be open 10 AM to 2 PM on Fridays
                                               information on the museum and its   February membership meeting of

            and Saturdays. There are several new
                                               upcoming reopening and events visit   the Community Club of Preston, at

            exhibits open. The amazing exhibit of
                                     ,    noon, via Zoom. The meeting will be
            a reconstructed doctors office is the
                                               Facebook at “Preston Historical Society,”   followed by a discussion of the book
            one we are most proud of, it is the offi  ce   or call 410-943-1891.   “The Guernsey Literary and Potato
            of Dr. Noble whose house was built in                                Peel Pie Society.” For info on joining
            1810 and stood on the North corner   SECOND SATURDAYS                the meeting call 410-673-1119 or visit
            of Maple Ave. and S. Main St. Contact:   Giving Grace Food Pantry at Trinity   Facebook at “Community Club of
            443-434-3114.                      United Methodist Church, Goldsboro.   Preston, Maryland.”
                                               Food available from 7 AM until. For
                                               more information, call 302-270-1948.  FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19
                                                                                 Friday Nite Dinner at  Denton
                                                                                 American Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion
                                                                                 Road, 5-7 PM. SAL serving a dinner with
                                                                                 menu to be determined. Entertainment-

                                                                                 Jeff Washington on guitar, 7-10 PM. Info.

                                                                                 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26
                                                                                 Friday Nite Dinner at Denton
                                                                                 American Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion
                                                                                 Road, 5-7 PM. $8. Karaoke with Linda
                                                                                 Webb 7-10 PM. Info. 410-479-2708.
                                                                                 SATURDAY, MARCH 27

                                                                                 Indoor Craft & Yard Sale 7 a.m. from
                                     Please Join Us the First and Third Sundays   8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Caroline County
                                      of every Month for Worship & Fellowship    4-H Park, 8230 Detour Road, Denton,
                                     at 9:30 AM in the Talbot Evangelistic Church   to benefit the Caroline County 4-H
                                    South Hall,  6099 Ocean Gateway, Trappe, MD  Program. All vendors are welcome!
                                                                                 Crafters, direct sale consultants*,
                                              For more information:
                                                                                 household items, furniture, jewelry,
                                                                                 antiques, horse tack, Tools, pet items
                                          or           and more! *Direct Sale Consultants will
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