Page 18 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 18

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      

                                  by Carolyn Al-Ghusbi

                     Library Hours             Wednesdays, 10:30 am, Greensboro    American history, Entertainment,
            DENTON                             1000 Books Before Kindergarten    Celebrities, and Cuisine. Snacks will be
            Monday: 10 am - 6 pm                      Reading Challenge          provided.
            Tuesday: 10 am - 6 pm
                                                                                 September 16, 4 pm, Denton
            Wednesday: 10 am - 6 pm            It’s never too early to start reading   September 21, 4 pm, Greensboro
            Thursday: Noon - 8 pm              to your child. Not only does reading

            Friday: 10 am - 6 pm               together help create a unique, powerful   MakerSpace Open Studio
            Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm             connection with your child, but it
                                                                                 Did you know the library has educational
                                               sparks creativity and imagination while
            FEDERALSBURG                                                         STEM kits? Come to the Makerspace
                                               building literacy, social, and emotional
            Monday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm                                        Open Studio to see what we have and try
                                               skills that help your child be successful

            Tuesday: Noon-2 pm and 3-8 pm                                        it out. There will be Mochi Robotics, a
                                               in kindergarten. Call or visit the library
            Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm                                     toy drill, Snap Circuits, microscopes, and
                                               for more details.

            Thursday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm                                      more! Kids ages 5 and up are welcome.
                                               Registration begins September 1, All
            GREENSBORO                                                           September 27, 4 pm, Denton
            Monday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm
            Tuesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm           Tiny Art Show Exhibit                  Ongoing
            Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm
                                               Stop by each library branch to view
            Thursday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm                                        One Maryland, One Book: Read

                                               our Tiny Art Show and vote for your   the book that all of Maryland is
            *For programs requiring registration, visit   favorite piece. Art will be on display   Reading
   or call 410-479-1343.  from September 1st -September 30th.

                                               The artist with the most votes at each   This year’s selected book is What’s Mine
                                               branch will receive a $10 gift  card.  and Yours by Naima Coster. What’s
                     Fall Storytime                                              Mine and Yours is a novel about legacy,
                                               Viewing and voting dates September   identity, and the American family—and
            Come join us for a half-hour of fun   1 - 30, All Branches           the ways in which race can affect the
            songs, stories, and fingerplays that   Hispanic Heritage Kahoot Trivia  most intimate of relationships. Naima
            encourage the development of early                                   Coster sets the tone of the novel as a
            literacy skills. This program is designed   Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by   multigenerational saga featuring two

            for children from birth to age fi ve with   participating in a Kahoot trivia night!   North Carolina families. Th ey collide
            a caregiver.                       Trivia will cover everything from Latin
                                                                                 in ways that neither is prepared for
                                                                                 when Black students from the east side
                                                                                 of the county are integrated into the
                                                                                 predominantly white schools on the
                                                                                 west side. Readers will follow these
                                                                                 families over decades as they break apart
                                                                                 and come back together.
                                                                                 Join one of our book discussions to
                                                                                 explore this unique book of complex
                                                                                 characters and family.
                                                                                 Contact Mitchell Downes, at mdownes@
                                                                       , or 410-754-8397, for more

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