Page 24 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 24

Events at Tuckahoe and                        Nature  Programs
                                                                MD Big Tree Hunt: Ecology walks, guided by Jim Bardsley
                    Martinak State Parks                        will begin at the Martinak State Park Boat Ramp Parking Lot

                                                                on Sunday, September 3, at 11 AM, and at the Tuckahoe State
            Fall is in the air and it’s a wonderful time to enjoy music in the   Park office on Sunday, September 25, at 11 AM. The walks are

            Park and Arboretum this month, so check out the performances   free to the public. Jim is a volunteer for the state parks and a
            listed below. Also, MD Big Tree Hunt continues two Sundays   member of the Maryland Big Tree Program and a dendrolo-
            a month. A Paw Paw, LobLolly Pine, and Shining Sumac have   gist. He is retired from teaching forestry-related courses at

            been identified as champion trees so far. So don’t forget to   University of Maryland Eastern Shore. His favorite pastime
            join the hunt! Finally, congratulations to Betty Neuwirth for   is helping MD Big Tree confirm tree identities. So, come out

            being our program participant for the month, and thank you   to learn how to identify a MD Big Tree and go with Jim to
            for being a volunteer for the Senior Walks this summer!  Betty   hunt for one!
            received a $15 Starbucks card as her prize.
            Special Events                                      Know Your Oaks! Did you know there are 21 species of oak
                                                                in Maryland? Join educators Jim Bogden and Aaron Turner on
            Black Dog Alley Band: Martinak Summer Concert Series
                                                                Tuesday, September 13 at 1 PM at Adkins Arboretum to learn
            ends with a terrifi c band that has a set list that ranges from
                                                                to identify the species that grow at the Arboretum and look
            classic rock, blues, to funk. Come to Martinak State Park
                                                                for them along the forest paths. Wear comfortable walking
            Amphitheater for this free concert on Saturday, September
                                                                shoes and bring a pen or pencil for sketching and notes. Call
            3 at 6:00 PM.
                                                                410-634-2847 to register and for more information.
            Sessions Americana: Get your tickets for this concert on
                                                                Tree Care in Human Made Landscapes: Join Terry Bohner
            Sunday, September 11 at 2 PM at Adkins Arboretum. Sessions
                                                                and Garrett Dickel of Bartlett Tree Experts on Saturday,
            Americana are musicians’ musicians—top-shelf players, sing-
                                                                September 24 at 1 PM at Adkins Arboretum for an interactive
            ers, and writers who tour internationally, taking both their
                                                                discussion of the issues that tree experts see daily, including
            own songs and the American songbook on the road. Join
                                                                soil, tree placement, planting issues, insects, diseases, and
            their raucous yet intimate scene in this performance against a
                                                                so much more. Call 410-634-2847 to register and for more
            backdrop of meadow grasses, goldenrod, and black-eyed Susan.
            Local beer and food trucks will be available for purchase. Call
            410-634-2847 to purchase tickets and for more information.   Roving Rangers: Meet a ranger and learn about a park animal
            Bring a chair for a relaxing afternoon of music!    on Friday, September 3 at 6 PM at Tuckahoe and Martinak

                                                                State Park camp loops.

            Shore Gourmet Mobile  Unit: The ShoGo will bring fresh
            fruits and vegetables for purchase to Martinak State Park on   Aviary Tours:  At Tuckahoe State Park on Saturday and Sunday

            Thursday mornings from 10 to 10:30 AM. The ShoGo will   afternoons, September 3 and 4, from 3 to 4:30 PM. Learn about

            be located just past the park office on the left . Th e purpose   birds of prey, why they are at the aviary, and how the rangers
            of this project is to take fresh fruit and vegetables from local   care for them. Meet at the park offi  ce.
            farms to areas where it is not readily available. Bring a cooler
            or insulated bag, shop, and walk at the park!       Roving Rangers: Meet a ranger and learn about a park animal
                                                                on Friday, September 3 at 6 PM at Tuckahoe and Martinak
                                                                State Park camp loops.
                                         Commercial             Aviary Tours:  At Tuckahoe State Park on Saturday and Sunday
                                         or Residential         afternoons, September 3 and 4, from 3 to 4:30 PM. Learn about

                                                                birds of prey, why they are at the aviary, and how the rangers
                                         Call me for all        care for them. Meet at the park offi  ce.
                                         your Real Estate
                                         needs.                 Bird Migration Walk: Join Wayne Bell on a guided bird walk
                                                                through Adkins Arboretum’s forest and meadow on Saturday,
                                         410-924-4807           September 10 at 8 AM. Many of these birds are colorful and
                                                                full of song! Call 410-634-2847 to register and for more
                                                                Night Sky Fun: Come to the Cherry Lane Pavillion on
                                                                Friday, September 2 at 7:30 PM to learn about constellations,
                                          BENSON & MANGOLD
                                                                observe the night and prepare for seeing the stars. Bring your
                                          110 Market Street

                  Michael Shipley         Denton, MD  21629     binoculars, blankets and bug spray to the ball field at Tuckahoe
          410-479-0777          State Park Ball Field on Cherry Lane, to observe the stars and
                                                                maybe even the milky way!
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