Page 30 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 30

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C    orner            Programs to help

                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                               or vape and the process continues to   410-829-0848 (call or text) and I can
                                               repeat for as long as you keep smok-  submit a referral to have a quit coach
                                               ing or vaping. Talk about stress in the   reach out and contact you.
                The Connection Between                                           Last but not least, I wanted to leave you
                Smoking, Vaping & Stress       Buying cigarettes and vape products   with a few stress reduction tips. Take
                                               can really add up. Having an addic-  your breaks! Step away from work and

                                               tion is financially expensive. In a world   stressful situations and take a walk,
            Submitted by Heather Grove, RN, BSN
                                               where everything costs more than it   grab your phone and reach out to a

            It is easy to think that smoking a ciga-  used to, figuring out how to pay for ev-  friend or play a game - this still gives
            rette or taking a hit on your vape is a   erything can be very stressful.     you a chance to decompress and guess
            good way to calm your nerves from   It is important to remember there will   what - you can do it without smoking
            all of the stress in today’s world but                               or vaping!
                                               always be times of stress in our lives
            did you know smoking and vaping
                                               rather we choose to smoke, vape, or   Other good destressors include: taking
            can actually increase the stress inside
                                               breathe clean air. Learning to deal with   a few long deep breaths, meditating,
            your body? It is true! Nicotine, found   our stressors is so important. Quitting   grabbing a refreshing glass of water,
            in cigarettes and in many vapes, is an
                                               smoking and vaping will decrease the   enjoying a warm shower, standing up
            addictive stimulant.
                                               stress cravings cause, reduce the physi-  and stretching, or taking a walk.  Fi-
            Nicotine narrows blood vessels, mak-  cal stress nicotine puts on the body,   nally, do not forget to ask for help and
            ing them smaller, which causes your   and free up some extra money.   support if you feel overwhelmed – we
            blood pressure and heart rate to go up.   However, the process of actually quit-  all need it sometimes!
            In turn, your heart has to work harder
                                               ting can still be daunting. Having sup-  Prostate Cancer Screenings
            to pump blood throughout your body,
                                               port is key. The Maryland Quitline of-  Scheduled in Chestertown and

            thus putting more stress on your car-
                                               fers support from trained quit coaches.
            diac system.                                                               Easton in September
                                               Often these folks previously used to-

            Craving nicotine causes stress too.   bacco themselves so they understand   To promote early detection of prostate
            When you smoke or vape, your brain   and can help you build a quit plan. Th ey   cancer, the Cancer Program at Uni-
            receives a hit of nicotine and that nic-  work with you right over the phone   versity of Maryland Shore Regional

            otine craving is satisfied for a short   and can send nicotine replacement   Health plans to offer free prostate
            amount of time -- this can trick you   products like patches and gum to you   screenings in Chestertown and Easton
            into feeling more relaxed. Th ose feel-  in the mail all at no cost. To learn more   in September.
            ings are short lived and as your nico-  or enroll you can contact the Quitline   The Centers for Disease Control and

            tine levels drop, you are likely to expe-  directly at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-  Prevention (CDC) reports one in nine
            rience another craving for a cigarette   784-8669) or you can contact me at
                                                                                 men will be diagnosed with prostate
                                                                                 cancer, about six cases in 10 are diag-
                                     EXAMS & CERTIFICATES                        nosed in men aged 65 or older, and it
                                     •  Truck/Bus Drivers                        is rare before age 40.
                                     •  Basic Med for Pilots                     According to Nina Weisenborn, BSN,
                                     •  Coast Guard for Boaters                  RN, Clinical Research Nurse at the
                                                                                 Cancer Program, preventive care and
                                     •  Pre-Op for Upcoming Surgery
                                                                                 screenings increase survival chances
                                            Board Certified                      by facilitating early diagnosis, evalu-
                                                                                 ation and treatment. “Uninsured and
                                       Occupational Medicine
                                                                                 underinsured are welcome to par-
                                             C.E. Jensen, MD                     ticipate in our screenings,” Weisen-

                                      Denton, MD 410-924-8560                    born said. “Those interested in being
                                                                                 screened are encouraged to discuss the
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