Page 64 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 64

the caller leaves a message. Some may   Maryland Dept. of Aging offers a
                                               take it to the next level and think it’s   wonderful phone call check in system
                                               easier to weed out unwanted calls by not   called “Senior Call Check”. Those 65
               Spot                            but, please, think again! Those who have   morning or afternoon, your choice,
                                                                                 and older can receive a daily call in the
            Senior          having any messaging system in place,

                                               not set up their voice mail on either
                                                                                 between 8 am and 5 pm M-F and 8-3
                                               cell phones or landlines are preventing   on Saturday. These calls can be made to

                                               friends and family, plus legitimate   a landline or cell phone, and if the call is
                    Senior Moments
                                               business calls from yours truly, from   unanswered three times, an emergency
                     by Mary Moran
                                               letting you know they are checking in on   alert call is made to a designated
                       410-829-2535 / 410-490-3078
                                               you or are returning your calls!   number, such as a friend or relative who
                                                                                 can check on one’s safety and wellbeing.
            “Mom was getting swamped with calls   Please note that when I return a phone   If the call to the emergency contact goes

            from strangers. The reason? A medical   call from my office phone, it comes up as   unanswered, the program will notify a
            billing service had launched an 800   the “Caroline Health Department”, since   non-emergency entity in your area to do

            number that was identical to hers. When   that is where my office is housed!  Th is   a wellness check. Call 866-502-0506 or
            she called to complain, they told her to   is not a scam # and should not display   go to to apply
            get a new number. “I’ve had mine for 20   as potential scam on your phone. If you   for this very important service.
            years” she pleaded, “Couldn’t you change   have placed a call for assistance and
            yours?” They refused. So, Mom said,   information to Mary Moran, please pick   Reminder that Emergency Rental
            “Fine. From now on I’m going to tell   up the phone! If you miss the call, check   Assistance Program (ERAP) is available
            everyone who calls that their bill is paid   your messages! And, whether you are 18   to both tenants and landlords. Go to www.

            in full.” The company got a new number   or 80, a good communication practice and click on
            the next day... Kim Drake-Laughter is   is to please clear the messages on your   Dashboard for an overview of Caroline
            still the best Medicine -Readers Digest.  phone every couple of days so MAP &   county’s participation in this program.
                                               SHIP can leave a message! Even though   Applications must be submitted by the
            This telling story shows how the phone

                                               texting is the communication mode du   property manager/landlord.  Th ere are
            can sometimes be our biggest headache,
                                               jour, this office still leaves voice messages   multiple worksheets to be submitted

            but we send loud applause to that gal for
                                               when possible!   I will generally return a   through a specified application portal,

            outsmarting those who thought they
                                               call three times if unable to connect with  Contact the
            had her in a corner! Map and Ship is

                                               a beneficiary.  My mission is to assist my   Caroline County Emergency Rental
            the first to applaud those who do not

                                               fellow Caroline County residents, but if   Assistance Program at 410-482-4810
            answer an incoming call when you don’t
                                               you don’t pick up, I can’t help! If you are   or email for application
            recognize the phone number to avoid
                                               having a problem with setting up your   details and language accommodation
            similar headaches! That’s rule one to
                                               voice mail on your cell or answering   information. This state program is
            avoid trouble in this bottom feeding
                                               system on your landline, please reach   being facilitated by the Maryland Rural
            scam environment. Most scammers
                                               out to your provider or someone else to   Development Corporation. They can be

            tend not to leave messages, so it’s easier
                                               help set it up.                   reached at 410-482-4660.
            to decide if a call is important when
                                                                                 Some may see mailings from CMS and
                          TURNING 65?                                            Social Security this month containing
                                                                                 information about Medicare Savings
                                                                                 Programs (MSP) and Limited Income
               Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?                  Subsidy (LIS). The MSP programs are

                                   Let Me Help You!                              facilitated by the state and Extra Help
                                                                                 (EH) is a federal program facilitated
                                                                                 by Social Security.  Both are based on
                          Anthony Insurance Services                             income and have liquid asset limitations.
                                                                                 Additionally, both entities send out these
                          Ann M. Anthony                                         form letters to those who may qualify
                                                                                 for these programs. As with all mail and
                                                                                 email solicitations, remember to read

                    Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,                 the fine print on the letters to make sure
                  Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,               they are from Social Security, Center
                                                                                 for Medicare and Medicaid Services
               Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance
               Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •  (CMS) or the Department for Health
                           22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629                  and Human Services (Department of
                                                                                 Social Services).  Check the bottom of
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