Page 28 - June 2023 Issue.indd
P. 28
Occupational flag on the roof as the explicit center- An overlap you may not be aware of,
piece of the tv show from the beginning; however, is the fact that three prominent
Hazzards the cast members are widely recognized Dukes of Hazzard stars played bit parts
now, but none ever became true headlin- in Smokey and the Bandit. Ben Jones,
by Chad Dean ers in Hollywood. The General Lee, on John Schneider, and Sonny Shroyer
the other hand, garners considerable can all be spotted in the 1977 movie
My last column was a timely tribute to attention to this day from those who before their signature roles two years
the May 1977 release of Smokey and adore it as well as those who condemn later as Cooter Davenport, Bo Duke,
the Bandit (the greatest movie of all its “politically incorrect” paint job. As and Enos Strate, respectively. It was logi-
time), so it logically stands to reason this pro wrestling promoter Eric Bischoff cal I suppose for TV executives, aft er
month I am personally obligated to pay coined in his autobiography, and you the incredible box office success of the
homage to the Dukes of Hazzard. Why, know I had to find a way to make wres- film, to hire people from that project to
you ask? Well, casual readers might say tling relevant this month as I attempt make the show a success or to mimic it
that clearly a pattern exists for the writer to do each issue, “controversy creates in other ways. Now is a fitting time to
-- his wheelhouse, his artistic tastes, cash.” Seemingly everyone involved with bring up the role of Waylon Jennings
his cinematic genre of choice is good that show carved a fine little industry as The Balladeer; viewers never saw his
ol’ boys doing what good ol’ boys do niche for themselves, including the car, face, just his hands (as he “bemoaned”
-- driving fast, chasing girls, breaking which continues to be spotted at muscle on the hit single radio version of the
rules, and trying not to get nabbed by car museums, in music videos, at auto Dukes’ opening credits theme), but
the long arm of the law. I hereby no shows, and in private collections around his unmistakable voice narrating each
comment all inquiries about parallels the country some 40 years after its debut episode with pithy country witticisms
to my private life as far as the above are on CBS. For the record, about 300 Char- provided the same type of comic relief
concerned, but I do want to proff er that gers were used during filming; many and dramatic tensions for which fellow
Dukes of Hazzard exists largely because were wrecked only to be later lovingly Nashville mainstay Jerry Reed was also
of the success of Smokey and the Bandit. restored by enthusiasts. known on the stage and silver screen.
Maybe I am taking a victory lap on their
Allow me to explain. One could reason- Another similarity, if you have not
ably argue that despite the presence of already arrived there, is that both the behalf by mentioning this here, but if
A-listers Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason, movie and the show were based in the skeptical readers believe both men were
and Sallie Field plus Grammy Award- state of Georgia. Almost all of Smokey only notable as entertainers mostly in
winning country crooner Jerry Reed and the Bandit was filmed outside the 1970s, or that their following was
in the film, the actual star of the movie of Atlanta, most notably near Jones- ever only regionally and provincially
was the 1977 Pontiac Trans Am with boro; the first five episodes of Dukes Southern in nature, Jennings was a part
the Georgia-issued BAN ONE license of Hazzard in 1979 were shot on loca- of one of the most memorable seasons
plate. Snowman’s black and gold tractor tion east of Atlanta around the town of of Married with Children as Ironhead
trailer decorated with a Wild West scene Covington before the unlikely ratings Haynes in 1994, not to be outdone by
painted on the side is nearly as iconic sensation was taken more seriously by Reed as Coach Red Beaulieu in The
and pops up during anything from network bigwigs and production was Waterboy four years later. I rest my case
the annual Bandit Run road rallies to, moved primarily to Paramount Ranch about the wisdom of the original casting
improbably, a cameo on the 2010s AMC in California. Nevertheless, the show decisions.
horror show The Walking Dead. Initially was always set in the fi ctional Hazzard Returning to specifically Dukes of
lacking marquee names on the project, County, Georgia, and the General Hazzard talking points, the production
the makers of Dukes of Hazzard took it sported the tag CNH 320 issued by that strategy, such as it was, did in fact work.
one step further and elevated an orange state to reinforce said geography. The series was a ratings smash for CBS,
1969 Dodge Charger with a Confederate which reaped the rewards of showing J.
R. Ewing’s Dallas back to back with the
:H DUH QRZ Duke boys on Friday nights. It lasted for
DFFHSWLQJ QHZ 147 episodes over parts of seven seasons,
SDWLHQWV spawning additional TV movies with the
Scott M. Novak, DDS
original cast, continuing syndication, at
FAMILY DENTISTRY least one spinoff, a cartoon series, multi-
est. 2005 ple video games, and other derivatives
including lunchboxes, matchbox cars,
505 Kerr Ave, Call to schedule Halloween costumes, and myriad addi-
Denton, MD an appointment tional novelties still generating royalties 410-479-0600 to this day. Clearly the show was not and
is not exclusively Southern but national