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                                       32                                   34                                   38

              LabourNET Law Consultancy            Next Legal                          Nilesh mohite associates
              Mohammed Shameel                     Beena Pillai                        Beena Pillai
              (Co-Founder)                         Founder                             Founder

                                                         40                                    46

                                Prakash consultancy services         Sankhla Consultants
                               Prakash Kagalwala                     Mr. M.S. Sankhla
                               Founder                               CEO & Founder

          28                         36                         44
             The Importance of        Indian labour laws and      With whom are the
           Labour Law Consulting       the changing nature of         labor laws?
             in Today’s Market                 work
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12