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from all of us at Patrick’s Heating & Air
Because we want everyone to
enjoy the holidays here at Patrick’s How Your Pet Affects
Heating & Air, we’re giving $25 gift More frequent duct cleaning
certificates to each of our Indoor Air Quality will reduce allergens and pet
customers. Just check the coupon hair recirculation in your
board on page 3. It’s a big Continued from page 1
expense, but we want to celebrate home.
the holidays in a big way. remove radioactive particles
from the air. Since then, Increased ventilation
There are no strings attached to they’ve gone through replaces stale indoor air (full
this gift certificate. You can use it development and entered of pet dander) with fresh
for anything you want with the mainstream market for outdoor air. Whereas a
Patrick’s Heating & Air, at any the benefit of us ordinary
time, now or in the future. You can washroom exhaust fan or two
apply it towards service work, folk. These HEPA Filters are might be enough for the
maintenance, indoor air quality capable of removing 99.97% typical home, installing a
products like electronic air of particles ventilator or having
cleaners, duct mounted down to 0.3 an outdoor air intake
humidifiers for the winter, duct microns in size. duct might be
mounted UV lights to help clean This includes
the air and kill microbial necessary for pet
contaminants. Heck, you can even pet dander at owners.
use it for replacing your 2.5 microns.
equipment. Unfortunately, in
In addition to extreme cases where
Thank you for your past business. changing your allergies are severe or
The reason we’re here is to help filter type to
customers like you improve the life-threatening, you may have
comfort levels of their homes and HEPA, you can get an air to give up your pet.
businesses, reduce utility purifier that goes the extra
expenses, and boost the quality of mile in removing small For all other situations, give
indoor air. We are locally owned particles like pet dander. us a call and we can get your
and community driven! Keep in mind this is no HVAC system pet-owner
replacement for proper
Sincerely, friendly.
filtration in your furnace, only
a supplement.
“Don’t worry, be comfortable!”