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Mag. phil.; High school teacher, tennis and swimming instructor, volleyball and  Christopher
         basketball trainer, windsurfing coach, mountain guide and Volleyball trainer,  Peroutka
         certified skiing and snowboarding instructor, former player in the Austrian
         National Team Ultimate Frisbee; lecturer at the University of Vienna and the
         Pedagogic Academy in Vienna; teaching experience in Austria, Netherlands
         and Indonesia.
         Professor and Chair of the Department of Contemporary History at the   Oliver Rathkolb
         University of Vienna; Schumpeter Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for
         European Studies at Harvard University from 2000–2001; Visiting Professor at
         the University of Chicago in 2003; member of the advisory board of the House
         of European History (European Parliament, Brussels); since 2015 Chair of the
         Academic Advisory Board of the House of Austrian History; since 2019 chair-
         man of the Academic Committee of the House of European History in Brussels;
         managing editor of the academic journal Zeitgeschichte (Contemporary
         Author of several books focusing on contemporary history as well as editor
         and co-editor of several studies concerning interdisciplinary questions of
         contemporary history and communications/media history. His prize-winning
         study The Paradoxical Republic. Austria 1945–2005 was published by Berghahn
         Books (New York/Oxford) in 2010.

         Legal Adviser, Assistant to the Director General of the European Commission’s  Bernhard
         Legal Service; studied law in Vienna (magister iuris 1991, doctor iuris 1994) and  Schima
         Paris and at Harvard Law School (LL.M. 1994); from 1995 to 2003 member of
         the chambers of Judge Dr Peter Jann at the European Court of Justice; post-
         doctoral qualification to lecture in European law (Habilitation) obtained at the
         University of Graz in 2004; honorary professor of European Law at the Vienna
         University of Economics and Business (since 2010); EU Fellow at Yale University
         Selected Publications: Das Vorabentscheidungsverfahren vor dem EuGH.
         Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtslage in Österreich und Deutsch-
         land (3rd ed. 2015); EU fundamental rights and Member State action after Lis-
         bon: putting the ECJ's case law in its context, Fordham International Law
         Journal 2015, 1097-1133; author of several contributions in: Jaeger/Stöger
         (eds.), Kommentar zu EUV und AEUV, and in: Kellerbauer/Klamert/Tomkin
         (eds.), Commentary on the EU-Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
         PhD (University of Adelaide); Professor of Criminal Law, School of Law,    Andreas
         University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; Professorial Research Fellow,   Schloenhardt
         Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Vienna, Austria;
         consultant to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Vienna,
         Austria and the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Visiting Professor,
         University of St. Gallen and University of Zurich, Switzerland; principal areas

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