Page 16 - Haruspex
P. 16
Thirty Degrees of Virgo
I. Milkweed cream. Anna Luther & May Allison carry Methuselah’s mother in two feet of icy water.
II. A knothole astronomer calculating the dimensions between supernova & blackhole.
III. The kiss of a bee-stung lip when the cicadas begin their abdomen night song.
IV. A jar of Sanfords library paste in a utopian jar.
V. An Ingersoll Radiolite watch, which when worn illuminates both time and impending doom.
VI. A closet full of examples of what it means to be punk.
VII. A barn full of pickle jars $lled with Easter candy.
VIII. Buttermilk and limestone.
IX. Red wine in a tin pail, to be used beneath a guillotine.
X. Six eternal triangles.
XI. Pumpkin !owers in an envelope. In perfect script is written: “The Womb of Time.”
XII. In this surprisingly pregnant paradox, sex is impossible and the universe won't respond. XIII. Smoke & rain. Warm butter on wooden plate.
XIV. A moth lured by the light of a tiny house. In the window a hammock of fallen leaves casts a
shadow as a !ock of birds.
XV.The grasping hands of a lonely child, trying to salvage the last strand of their mother’s hair. XVI. A gaudy bridal suite, cooked on the crutch of a crone.
XVII. Nocturnal worker-bees puttering over a concrete parking lot cracked with disuse look for
Datura & Night Blooming Jasmine.
XVIII. A butcher chops a turkey while two children open a green box near a broken bubbla.
XIX. A black slab of rock that rises out of the mire into a honey-stained basin. We weep into each
other endlessly.
XX. A toothpick dusted with opium in a silver tin box sewn into the reservoir of your thigh.
XXI. A threadbare sewing machine with a fox hiding inside.
XXII. Only reeds left to lie on the hollow of this shell. Only water to drink.
XXIII. A society of individuals who have gone through the centuries without taking their pleasure
by religious rapture dressed in hypocrisy.
XXIV. The door of a house that itches for $re.
XXV. The work of ants behind the invisible, relentless !ow of what lies behind curtains.
XXVI. Bands of four teenagers, worldwide, swan dive with macabre; delicately recorded musical
arrangements play in waterproof earbuds.
XXVII. A very tiny rabbit, her sudden haste being converted into an exhausted sloth.
XXVIII. You, choking on cray$sh while friends move your household objects from the shelf to the
!oor and back again, slightly askew.
XXIX. A stairway descends to a dream-dark room. A cymbal to the skull tumbles back and forth on
dark glass. An eyeball gazes in from a dark room. A pendulum that points to the stars. A moon
with a ripple on its face.
XXX. A $eld of pencils decomposing which produce in their rebirth a variety of psilocybin.