Page 14 - Haruspex
P. 14
Thirty Degrees of Pisces
I. Two bananas, each one-quarter full of an obscure, !eshy treat.
II. A !annel petticoat containing a secret that would make your mother weep. (She would not; but you
prefer to imagine it this way.)
III. The grim blue green awning of a run-down pub plunked between cement slabs, the dark duck of a tavern
cup in your hand, the smell of fumes.
IV. Doja Cat swallowing the soul of Kelly Rowland under a sacri$cial purple ether. Transmutation through
the funnel of.
V. Salt of the earth, they say, you are something to be rewarded, for, and as their smile reaches for a
welcoming throat there is prayer, waiting to decay each sinew.
VI. A visit to the vomitorium of the actual DuPont plant where it was held. Note the rotting $sh.
VII. Dog sitting against the bulging rear wall, eyes turned into $relight watching one of the cats slowly reach
into the huge draw cage and retrieve the simple blue coffin.
VIII. Bullet holes in the furniture of an old farmhouse.
IX. The distressing staircase and some detritus a toddler left.
X. Two tenants tearing up a red carpet looking for cocaine or when we sold it to them.`
XI. Do not take this dish, instead place it on the lotus on which you sit.
XII. A scarecrow bereft of purpose
XIII. A garden-variety worrier with very vivid, three-dimensional feelings.
XIV. Stainless cinderblock I remember buying at Whole Foods that my father chiseled endlessly and used for
his bathtub.
XV. The riddle inherit in a barbershop pole.
XVI. An animated muffin shoved in front of a hair dryer, and you, surreptitiously, observe the patented
air!ow pattern
XVII. A fumbling orphan eulogizing a twin who has given his life as a star can.
XVIII. A rig and hull anchored on the damaged pier.
XIX. Using dad's wallet as a broom, buying a T.V. set and drinking eight jager bombs at Willy J’s.
XX. Closeup of bald man with tusks, muttering to himself.
XXI. Gazing at runes, from bottle to bottle and then"Look. Look at my star. It moves the needle”.
XXII. Placing a coin in a non-denominational tabernacle for divine intervention.
XXIII. Let's not talk about whether the mangoes are really ripe.
XXIV. A pear dangling from a green vine, Black water beside. Kitties going down the sand dunes.
XXV. Old MP3s crumpled into the microwave, a paper towel in an empty suitcase with attached box of
leather gloves
XXVI. A mural of a man hanging in a !ower bed of daisies.
XXVII. This pie is poisoned. You eat it anyways.
XXVIII. The very end of a cop's clipboard. To err is human and time is of the essence - it's an old saying. XXIX. Leather stockings, white cream, and everywhere are rare bird feathers.
XXX. A drunken civil servant sitting in the mud with a few bottles in the pot is hitting their head - then a
quick glance to the sun and there they are; with a rag soaked in honey on their stomach whispering: “the republic stands.”