Page 12 - Haruspex
P. 12

 Thirty Degrees of Aquarius
I. Butcher from somewhere in France, moving his hands as if cutting up meats with a meat cleaver.
II. Agitated, doomed, and rather excited hippies pulling their pants up for the $rst time after years of idling
in the rain.
III. Unlock the hidden door and play a piece of rock music at the recessed door. Go back in and start hearing
the piano tones. Turn on the spotlight. The sand is rotating down.
IV. Disguised as an act of caring, your mother enlists your sister to carry your uncle past the Red & White. A
D-Day survivor wipes venison blood on a white apron.
V. Walls made from the remains of the murdered captains of some war or another.
VI. A parent slowly remembering that they are not the center of the universe and only trying to be through
their child.
VII. What are we all waiting for?
VIII. People whispering to each other, my thoughts literally trapped in glass pipes behind a glass roof. You at
a place of worship laughing at the minster and his deacons.
IX. An old acquaintance who isn't your friend, but something other than someone to be avoided.
X. Driving a Camry. The radiator has to be $lled between trips. A pint of rum mixed into a large Coke
between legs.
XI. A couple having an intense interaction, then either heading off to the bar, or lighting a candle in the
XII. A vampire with a re!ection.
XIII. Eyes drifting slowly, unconsciously, toward strangers. There is a shared sadness between.
XIV. The next week. The next month. The next year. The next decade. The next century. The next fucking
millennium. The next goddamn universal string. A blank canvas.
XV. Writing on a dead roommate's body in a clearly inhuman, wordless language. Hide the body with a few
pairs of pants, duct tape, and glue sticks. Make sure it looks nice on your closet !oor. Take a leak. XVI. A limping heron's ribcage stretching across an old tube TV.
XVII. Portrait of a humpbacked Faun that appears on a 4 year old's brush.
XVIII. A blunt where there should be a stethoscope.
XIX. Red marbles inside a cold bath tub.
XX. Unrelated to How Our Parents Fucked Us Because From Our Point of View It's True.
XXI. A pocket knife named ginger, fashioned by a former valedictorian using a bit of quartz.
XXII. A signed bill, a reservation, a word of apology.
XXIII. A real puddle, because real puddles don't talk back.
XXIV. You, rocking a starburst vinyl jacket.
XXV. An unseen constrictor in the garden.
XXVI. Dis$gured dandelion blossoms conjure dead celebrities in erotica situations.
XXVII. A child's easel, whose future alcoholism, hinders its use.
XXVIII. A bad spell cast. A mirror cracks. A windeye is formed.
XXIX. Green apples, port-wine, and greasy oxtail stew. A couple lights a red and yellow candle under a new
XXX. A wax $gurine depicting the Virgin Mary smoking, in the shape of a crabapple.

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