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                                       THE ELEGANCE OF OUR GARMENTS GOES BEYOND
                                    TRENDS AND SEASONS. WHETHER YOU WANT TO STICK TO
                                      NATURAL FIBERS OR TRY THE LATEST BREAKTHROUGHS,
                                   WE OFFER MATERIALS FOR FEMALE GOLFERS THAT ARE BOTH
                                              COMFORTABLE AND FUNCTIONAL.

          A Magic garment features built-in control   This super-lightweight padding is warm,   This lightweight, ultimate pro-stretch material
          and an especially comfortable zipper-free   breathable and quick drying. The padding   is wind-resistant, soft, comfortable and
          waistband. The new Magic super-stretch ma-  is also compressible and can easily fit into   affords full freedom of movement. The fabric
          terial affords maximum freedom of movement    a small compartment in your golf bag. The   is breathable, has an anti-static finish and is
          and the straight modern cut creates a slim   prima light padding keeps you warm both   easy to care for.
          silhouette. Our “Magic” bottoms are made   during active golfing as well as at leisure.
          for active golfing as well as for leisure.
                                                                               WIND MINI MICRO
                                            QUICK DRY
                                                                               This lightweight, wind-resistant fabric is
          MICRO-LIGHT                       Produced with a high-tech breathable    developed for both active golfing and leisure
          Our micro-light garments offer a second   material for active outdoor wear and featur-  wear. High-tech, wind-resistant, water-repel-
          layer for outdoor use. The design reflects   ing excellent ventilation and rapid moisture   lent and breathable, the material keeps you
          the latest trends in the sport and golf wear   absorption, this garment feels dry, cool and   dry, has an anti-static finish, blocks cold wind
          category while keeping functionality in mind.   comfortable. The fabric dries quickly, fea-  and is easy to care for.
          The feeling of fleece on the inside keeps you   tures perfect colourfastness, will not fade in
          warm and dry on the course and makes the   sunshine and is easy to care for.
          garment very soft and comfortable.                                   WIND-PUSH

                                            RAIN 4-WAY STRETCH                 Our wind-push material is created for both
                                                                               the active golfer and for leisure. The material
          MIRACLE PRO-STRETCH               This ultra-thin, lightweight stretch fabric has   delivers superior breathability and comfort
          High-quality material combined with func-  a soft touch and affords maximum freedom   and the fine surface allows internal moisture
          tional styling and unique design make these   of movement. It is breathable, windproof and   to be wicked away while simultaneously pre-
          garments technically superior and modern.   waterproof. This rain garment features taped   venting water permeation from the outside.
          The Miracle pro-stretch is soft and comfort-  seams and the latest functional rain fabric   Wind-push is wind-resistant, water-repellent,
          able and affords full freedom of movement.   technology. It keeps you dry, warm and   breathable and easy care.
          The material is breathable, has an anti-static   protected through a wide range of weather
          finish and is easy to care for.   conditions, both on and off the golf course.
                                            W/P 10.000 MM, MVP 5.000 G/M24H.

                                            The Lyric quality is created both for active
                                            golf play and for leisure wear. This high-tech
                                            fabric has a 4-way stretch which affords max-
                                            imum freedom of movement and fits comfort-
                                            ably close to the body. It is produced from a
                                            breathable material with an excellent ventila-
                                            tion. It has a soft finish and is easy care. Lyric
                                            is suitable both for spring and summer, as the
                                            garment is light-weight.

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