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labor shortages in seasonal industries such as landscaping,   management and risk mitigation.
        food service, hospitality, and seafood processing. January   •  Establish a consistent national and State-level outreach
        2022 saw a 41% increase in requests for H-2B workers from   message and educational campaign for the public and
        the prior fiscal year, with demand only continuing to grow   industries at risk for spreading spotted lanternfly.
        since, as seasonal industries face one of the worst labor
        shortages in decades. Yet, the 66,000 visa H-2B cap has not   SLF has spread to 13 additional states since it was first
        been raised by Congress in decades, other than through   detected in Pennsylvania in 2014. Spotted lanternflies may
        temporary measures, leaving many businesses unable to   feed on a wide range of crops and plants, including grapes,
        access an adequate seasonal workforce.                  apples, hops, walnuts and hardwood trees.
        Members of our industry know how important these
        workers are in supporting and sustaining American
        businesses in the horticulture market chain. A returning   Craig Regelbrugge
        worker exemption would allow workers who have already
        participated in this program to return to businesses that
        have come to rely on their support. However, there is a
        long and difficult road ahead before cap relief can be
        assured. Under normal legislative process, this and 11 other
        appropriations bills would be debated and voted on by
        the full House. The Senate, meanwhile, would debate and
        advance its own version, and differences would then need
        to be reconciled with the House. Yet in recent years, the
        appropriations process has been anything but normal.
        Still, it is no small feat that this language is included in this
        bill. As those who have been following the Committee
        process know, there is a growing consensus among
        leaders in Congress that labor shortages in seasonal
        industries must be addressed. This amendment was
        discussed, debated, and fought for by a bipartisan group
        of members. We especially thank Appropriations Chair Kay
        Granger (R-TX), Subcommittee Chair Dave Joyce (R-OH),
        Subcommittee Ranking Member Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Dr.
        Andy Harris (R-MD), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) and Rep.
        Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) for their leadership on this
        first but crucial step.

        Marlo Hicks and Sara Neagu-Reed

        Spotted Lanternfly Strategy Announced
        USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)              Craig J. Regelbrugge
        Spotted Lanternfly Strategic Planning Working Group has                Executive Vice President of Advocacy, Research
        released the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) Five-Year Strategy               & Industry Relations at AmericanHort
        for fiscal years 2024-2028 (see link below). The five-year             202-789-8111
        strategy for this introduced invasive pest prioritizes the
        following goals:
                                                                               Sara Neagu-Read
        •  Effectively limit the advancement of spotted lanternfly             Director, Advocacy and Government Affairs at
          and efficiently respond to its introduction within Federal           AmericanHort
          and State authority and resource availability.
        •  Support continued scientific research towards practical

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