Page 54 - Free State Summer 2023
P. 54

Iris Cristata  Dicentra King of Hearts

        GROWING WITH EDUCATION (Continued)                      orange flowers have 5 blazing orange or yellow petals that
                                                                sit upon star shaped sepals like a cup on a saucer in softer
        styles, creating a light and airy fragrant flower. After the   colors and are gathered onto an umbel. If left to go to seed,
        flowers mature, they ripen into narrow 1-inch-long seeds.   the Butterfly weed will develop 3–6-inch spindle shaped pods
        Many pollinators visit, but the strong scent deters deer.   full of seeds with silky tails. When the pod matures it will
        There are no serious pests, but in the wild this plant can be   spilt on the side releasing the seeds to fly on the air currents.
        mistaken for water hemlock which is poisonous.
                                                                When in bloom, the Butterfly weed flowers are an excellent
        Agastache foeniculum, or Anise hyssop, blooms from June to   nectar source for many pollinators including many different
        late September and thrives in full sun and prefers average,   types of butterflies and is one of the milkweed family that the
        well drained soils. Once established the Agastache is   Monarch butterfly will lay their eggs on. Plants develop a very
        drought tolerant. Plants grow 2-4 feet tall and spread 1½   strong tap root and once planted should not be dug up,
        to 3 feet wide in an upright clump. The stems are square,   rather purchase more plants. One of the common names
        showing the mint family characteristic, and the 4-inch-  of Butterfly weed is Chigger weed, an excellent deterrent
        long anise scented green leaves with toothed margins are   from digging up plants in the wild. The Butterfly weed is a
        arranged opposite of each other on the square stem. Tiny   perfect flower for wildflower, pollinator, butterfly and native
        lavender purple flowers are densely packed to bloom in   gardens or meadows. Its long bloom time and bright flower
        3-6-inch-long terminal spikes. Each 1/3-inch tubular flower is   colors make it stand out. New research shows that planting
        topped with 2 lips, and although the flowers are not fragrant,   the butterfly weed in groups of 5 or more at the edges of
        they provide nectar for butterflies, native and honeybees   gardens allows the pollinators better access to the flowers.
        and hummingbirds. The plants can spread by seed as well   Pests include leaf spot, rust, and milkweed aphids.
        as rhizomes and are welcome in butterfly, wildflower and   Asclepias verticillate, or whorled milkweed, blooms from
        pollinator gardens and meadows. Pests can include crown   June to September, thriving in full sun and dry sandy loams.
        rot if grown in wet soils, leaf spot, powdery mildew, and rust.
                                                                Plants grow 1-2½ feet tall and 1-2 feet wide on upright, mostly
        Asclepias tuberosa, or Butterfly weed, blooms from June to   unbranched stems. At each node 3-6 thin 2-3-inch-long
        August, thriving in full sun and dry, well drained soils. Plants   leaves are attached in a whorled pattern along the tall
        are slow to emerge in the spring, preferring to wait to be sure   stems. Clusters of 3-20 tiny fragrant green-white flowers,
        winter is over and spring is just a distant memory. Butterfly   similar in shape to Butterfly milkweed, perch on an umbel
        weed grows as a clump 1 to 2½ feet tall and sprawls 1 to 1½   that sits in the upper leaf axils, providing nectar for butterflies
        feet wide. The foliage is thin and lance shaped and spiral up   and other pollinators and provides food for the Monarch
        the stems. Butterfly weed is the only milkweed in the family   caterpillars from June to September. Seed pods are similar
        that does not have milk sap in the stems. The tiny bright   to Butterfly milkweed with the same seed type with its silky

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