Page 61 - Free State Summer 2023
P. 61
The Future for Spraying in a Nursery
This year, we have been conducting trials in using spray
drones, applying systemic fungicides and insecticides,
that fly over the rows. This wheeled device brings in a
different approach, driving down the row. It may be a
good combination of autonomous spray applications
– using both a flying drone and wheeled drone. We ViVid company sensing device
made connection with and will work to set up some
collaborative work with the Penn State Extension
The other interesting device was presented by an Ontario,
Canada based company, ViVid, a woman owned
company. They are mounting multi-spectrum cameras
on the front hood of a vehicle. The camera is mounted on
a shock absorber mount to hold the camera somewhat
steady when driving through the fields. They are presently
using it in vineyards and fruit operations to count fruit
and analyze size so growers know how their crops are
progressing. They charge growers $5,000 (American)
to rent their device per year. They charge $60/acre to
analyze their data and provide summaries of the fruit
yields and ripening stages based on camera visuals and
AI analysis.
They are developing AI to pick up early symptoms of
downy mildew and powdery mildew. They are interested ViVid multispectrum, camera mount on ATV
in working with us in developing methods to detect life
stages of various insects. Their present interest is in fruit
orchards, and I told them there is potential for use in Stanton Gill, Extension Specialist in
nursery growing fields, as well. We agreed to follow up IPM for Greenhouses and Nurseries,
with working with them on upcoming projects using their University of Maryland Extension
multi-spectrum cameras. And Professor, Montgomery College,
It appears there is a fairly strong team of agricultural Germantown Campus, Landscape
engineers in private industry, and at Penn State, that our Technology Program
Maryland Extension should be partnering with. A
Get Active. Stay Involved. • SUMMER 2023 61