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Delmarva Native Plants
elmarva Native Plants in
Hurlock, Maryland, was
Dfounded by Clark DeLong
and Jillian Parisi, both of whom have
a passion to create change in the
environmental horticulture industry.
DeLong firmly believes the horticulture
industry should be a force aimed at
preserving our natural environment
as it continues to face ever-increasing
When our plants
“Preserving our flora preserves the
entire ecosystem from top to bottom” are specified as
he said. “When our customers install Clark DeLong Jill Parisi
habitat restoration projects, we make local ecotype,
Parisi has always had a passion for Their first four years in business
sure that we provide local genotypes.”
environmental preservation. She they focused primarily on growing
“When our plants are specified as grew up in Long Island, New York, saltwater wetland grasses: Spartina they will form the
local ecotype, they will form the and earned her Bachelor of Science alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) and
foundation of a viable population degree from Salisbury University. Spartina patens (salt meadow hay). foundation of a
wherever they are established, She decided to remain in Maryland DeLong noted the genus Spartina
whether it be a living shoreline or rain to help restore Chesapeake Bay. recently underwent a name change, viable population
garden. We have expanded recently Parisi has a combined 10 years of so these grasses are also referred
to include a diverse array of regionally experience restoring Harris Creek’s to as Sporobolus alterniflorus and wherever they are
native plant species, covering a broad oyster population and growing Sporobolus pumilus. “Regardless of
range of habitat types, everything native plant materials for living the nomenclature, we are experts established, whether
from saltwater wetland plants to dry shoreline restoration and ecological in these two species and can help
upland meadow.” landscapes. provide plants for any sized project,” it be a living
DeLong earned a bachelor’s and The two worked together at another he said. shoreline or rain
master’s in plant science from the nursery on Maryland’s Eastern Shore The expanded offering includes
University of Maryland College Park before launching their own business a wide variety of native grasses, garden
and has worked in the horticulture venture, focusing first on wetland forbs and shrubs in 1-gallon pots.
industry for more than 15 years. grasses. “We’re known for that, but According to the availability list
He has dedicated his career to the we have expanded,” DeLong said. at https://delmarvanativeplants.
conservation of our native flora.
(continued on next page)
Lobelia puberula
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