Page 22 - Free State Summer 2022
P. 22

TOTAL PLANT MANAGEMENT (Continued)                      armored scale without the very obvious welling that
                                                                occurs in soft scales. Armored scale in general lay upward
        the same species exhibit different physical characteristics
        not related to their sexual organs.                     of 100 to 300 eggs per female.
                                                                Whether it is an armored or soft scale, the stage that
        Female scale retain the immature external morphology
        even when sexually mature, a condition known as         follows is called the crawler stage. The first instars of
        neotenic. Adult males usually have wings (depending     most species of scale insects emerge from the egg with
        on their species) always with one pair. The males are   functional legs and are informally called “crawlers”. They
        present for a mere 12 to 24 hours, with the sole purpose of   immediately crawl around in search of a favorable spot to
        finding a female to mate. Female scale insects produce   settle down and feed. In some species they delay settling
        a pheromone odor that attracts the male. Upon finding   down, but no longer than 12 – 24 hours. Sometimes they
        a female mate, the male uses its antennae to drum on    are blown away by wind onto another host plant, where
        top of the female. If the female finds the beat alluring,   they may establish a colony separate from the original
        mating will occur. Several of the scales called soft scales   colony,
        do not produce males and the females reproduce without   Identifying Scale
        mating. This type of reproduction is called parthenogenic   You can often distinguish the difference between an
                                                                armored scale and soft scale by trying to pry off the
        For scale species with males, they will mate with a couple   cover. With armored scale the outer cover is hard and if
        of females and die shortly afterward of exhaustion,
        depleting their energy reserves. The female has a longer
        life, up to several months, as eggs continue to develop
        within her. The length of survival depends on the species
        and the time of the year it is; if she is an over-wintering
        species, she will live until the next spring, at which time she
        will lay eggs that will hatch the following fall, continuing
        the generation. Some species have one generation per
        year while others have multiple generations per year.
        The same species in a southern climate may have more
        generations than the same species-damaging plants in a
        northern location. Scale insects in tropical areas can have
        multiple and often overlapping scale generations year-
        Soft scale and Wax scales have their waxy covers
        integrated into the body of the insect and cannot be
        easily separated. Most soft scales in temperate climates
        overwinter as immature females. Female soft scales tend
        to be rather flattened in profile and oval in their perimeter
        shape in winter. In spring or early summer her body will
        swell as eggs develop in her body. This causes the waxy
        cover to swell up in raised profile. Soft scales feed on the
        phloem of the plant extracting plant juices. They feed
        heavily as eggs develop, often excreting large quantities
        of honeydew. This honeydew can be used for detection of
        a soft scale problem on a plant.
        For armored scale, some species overwinter as immature
        but some overwinter as pregnant females ready to        Heavy Japanese maple scale on container grown cherry tree
        give birth in spring to summer. Eggs develop under the   Photo: Lynette Scaffidi

        22   SUMMER 2022 • Free State News
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