Page 9 - Free State Summer 2022
P. 9
Bambi and Friends are not
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kind of strange and windy spring has passed, but I’m happy. During the winter we moved up
enough plants into 3 gallons that we ran out of space to spread them out. A good thing. So,
my grandson, Robert, and I recovered a space with weed barrier not used in a number of years.
Maybe it was since the 2008 crash which made it all the more satisfying to do. It was a simple
matter to mow the grass as short as possible and unroll new weed barrier. I did have to dig around
to find the irrigation water valve to test that. After that, all was well. Clean weed barrier with plants
all in neat well-spaced rows looks so good and is so satisfying.
(continued on next page)
Ilex crenata lined out
Get Active. Stay Involved. • SUMMER 2022 9