Page 11 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
P. 11
Potting Wagon Lexan Sides
Rebuilt Mixer New Convayor
has been a total success with 3-to-5-foot Green Giant
Arborvitaes in 3-gallon containers and 5-to-7-foot ones
in 5 gallons. None fell over all spring or summer. For 7 I really want to get the whole
gallons we will use the Can Canes and are going to try system running for a few days to
Top Hats held down with 2 sod staples. Earlier, the Top
Hats, in a very small test without the sod staples, didn’t see how it goes and then finish
pass the topple test.
the learning curve, as it is so
The planting of the “weed” Loblolly Pines into
propagation flats, then put into the mist system to root called. But right now, we are in the
out, was a success. It ended up with 7 flats of 50 with very process of shifting plants around
few losses. Some were planted late and are still pretty
small, but they are growing and “free.” I should have done for the coming winter.
this sooner!
We decided to do a fall sale this year to reduce or many of, did leave. We have also found that the Knock
eliminate overstock, overage, and plants that are useless. Out Roses never look as good in the following spring. It’s
One useless plant is the Chestnut Hill Laurel, a plant I wiser to buy new ones than to move them up or fuss with
thought would fill a niche. Now I know why the 1-gallon them. The problem is often they flush-out just in time to
plants we were able to purchase so cheaply. They don’t be frosted, or to be subjected to just enough cold to not
sell! Even after being stepped up into #3’s and looking look good until summer. Honestly, I hate repotting them
great and given a good place to be seen. They just sat and don’t ask my employees to do it. The same reason we
there taking up space, fertilizer, and irrigation water. On don’t make Barberry cuttings - just too unfriendly.
sale at a ridiculously low price and still no buyers. Other
items that were not quite up to snuff, or we just had too We have found that many grasses don’t survive long
(continued on next page)
Membership Matters • WINTER 2023 11