Page 52 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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Lobelia cardinalis.Black Truffle Flower  Vernonia Novaboracensis New York Ironweed.

        GROWING WITH EDUCATION (Continued)                      many native bees. Good air circulation is necessary because
        which gives the flowers a fuzzy appearance. The bracts that   the foliage is very susceptible to powdery mildew. There has
        hold the flowers are light green with white tips. Each of the   been research by Mt. Cuba to determine which plants have
        small clusters gather together to form a flat-topped larger   the most resistance to powdery mildew. The best cultivars
        cluster that typically has up to 23 florets. These late blooming   for powdery mildew though included M. Grand Marshall™
        fragrant flowers attract many species of butterflies, bees,   that has reddish purple flowers, M. ‘Judith’s Fancy Fuchsia’
        tiny beneficial wasps, flies and beetles and their tiny seeds   that has purple red flowers and M. ‘Raspberry Wine’ with
        are enjoyed by swamp swallows. There are a number of    purplish red flowers. ‘Claire Grace’ has deep lavender 3-inch-
        moth caterpillars that feast on the foliage but leave enough   wide flower that ranked highest for its profile floral display of
        to allow the plants to bloom. The seeds have tiny hairs that   3 full weeks of blooms and good resistance and another top
        allow them to float on the wind to spread. Plants can spread   performer, ‘Dark Ponticum’ has a high rating for its growth
        by seed but usually spread by underground rhizomes. There   and beautiful deep purple flowers, but only rates fair for
        is one cultivar, ‘Milk and Cookies’, that has reddish maroon   powdery mildew resistance.
        foliage with the same white fragrant flowers. All parts of the   These herbaceous perennials not only withstand the
        plant are considered poisonous, and touching the foliage can   challenges of summers high heat and humidity, but also
        cause dermatitis, which explains why deer are never interested   contribute to a diverse and visually appealing landscape.
        in feasting on Boneset. All of the boneset plants grow very tall   Their ability to bloom until the first frost makes them valuable
        and fit best in the back of borders or landscapes.
                                                                additions to create vibrant landscapes throughout the
        Monarda fistulosa, or Wild Bergamot, thrives in full sun to   season, especially in areas where deer are prevalent. A
        partial shade and well drained soils. These plants are in the   Photo credit: Ginny Rozenkranz
        mint family, forming clumps to grow 2-4 feet tall and 2-3
        feet wide. The gray green fragrant foliage has a toothed                    Ginny Rosenkranz
        margin and pairs will clasp the square reddish stem in an                   Extension Educator, Commercial
        opposite fashion. In July through September the lavender                    Horticulture, University of Maryland
        flowers that are made up of fragrant tubular petals with 2                  Extension, Dorchester, Somerset,
        lips are tightly pack on a whorl of pink bracts which sit on                Wicomico and Worchester County
        the top of each square stem. Ruby throated hummingbirds                     410 749-6141 x106
        and many butterflies and moths feast on the nectar as do

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