Page 55 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2024_WEB
P. 55

House Agriculture Bill Boosts Floriculture and          Ohio Senator J.D. Vance Named Trump’s Pick for VEEP
        Nursery Research, IR-4 Project Funding                  Donald Trump has chosen Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) as his

        The House Agriculture Appropriations bill for FY2025 is   running mate for the 2024 presidential election, marking
        scheduled to be marked up on Wednesday, July 10. Prior   a generational shift within the Republican party. Vance,
        to the markup, the committee released the committee     a 39-year-old venture capitalist and author of "Hillbilly
        report. The language includes a $500,000 increase to    Elegy," aligns closely with Trump’s policies and has gained
        support the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative   attention for his advocacy of protectionist trade measures
        and Forest Products Research, with the aim of improving   and opposition to U.S. funding for Ukraine. Vance, elected
        the industry's efficiency and productivity. The Committee   to the Senate in 2022, served in the Iraq war before
        encourages the Agricultural Research Service to work    graduating from The Ohio State University and Yale Law
        collaboratively with the National Institute of Food and   School.
        Agriculture on research that includes breeding programs   Prior to President Biden’s decision to suspend his
        to increase tolerance from insect pests, diseases, and   campaign, polls had indicated Trump has strong leads in
        other environmental impacts; testing of new organic     battleground states like Arizona and Georgia, suggesting
        and non-organic pesticides; implementing integrated     that winning one of the Great Lakes states could solidify his
        pest management and biological control programs; and    victory. Both parties are heavily focusing on these states,
        innovations in unmanned aerial systems.                 with Republicans optimistic about their chances and

        Additionally, the language includes increased funding   Democrats pouring resources into Wisconsin, Michigan,
        for the IR-4 project, which has been raised to $15.75   and Pennsylvania as essential pathways to a Harris victory.
        million from $15.0 million in the previous year's bill. The   Rachel Pick
        IR-4 Project has secured registrations for specialty crop
        plant protection products and reduced-risk pesticides,
        which improves environmental impact, worker safety, and   Key Election Dates
        sustainable production systems. Funding is provided to   Republican National Convention: Monday, July 15
        continue the project's mission of food security research   Democratic National Convention: Monday, August 19
                                                                2024 Election Day: Tuesday, November 5
        AmericanHort will monitor the markup of the bill and will
        continue to advocate for our members as the bill moves to
        the Senate side.
        Frida Mendez, DCLRS

                                                                                            Membership Matters • SUMMER 2024   55
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60