Page 25 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2021
P. 25

GARDEN COMM  A  Claire Jones

        Best Place to Buy Plants

        Everywhere that I look in the        plants and many more choices to       independents will also listen to you
        horticultural news, people are       pick from than a typical retail chain.  if you ask them to grow a particular
        thinking local. Local cut flowers,                                         plant that you really covet, but do
                                             Spotlight on Locals
        local veggies from the CSA or local                                        not have the time or energy to start
        products from the creamery down      There are many unsung nursery         yourself. For instance, I wanted to
        the street. I live in a part of northern   heroes that have been in the    grow different colors of notoriously
        Baltimore County rich with many      Maryland area for years flying below   hard-to-start Lisianthus, for cut
        choices for local products and enjoy   the average gardener’s radar. Not   flowers.  I asked one of my favorite
        the choices of nurseries available   having a big advertising budget or    growers, JoEllen Troy at Blooming Hill
        to me. Small independently run       social media presence, the smaller    in Parkton, if she could help me out.
        nurseries carry much better-quality   nurseries have a history of producing   I am happy to say that I picked up
                                             good quality plant stock. The

                                                                                        Susan Iglehart’s

                                                                                        Flowers in


                                                                                        grows “Intriguing

                                                                                        Annuals & Usual

                                                                                        and Unusual Plants

                                                                                        for Passionate


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