Page 6 - 2020 DEED
P. 6

Threats still loom
Region’s water in good shape
Many communities across the country face water shortages, at least periodically if
not consistently. The Miami Valley region is fortunate to have a plentiful buried valley aquifer with 1.5 trillion gallons of good quality water for our region to use for drinking, recreation, industry, and agriculture.
But the water in our communities faces multiple threats including changing weather patterns, contamination from urban and rural sources, and outdated development techniques.
MCD recently released a report on its water stewardship efforts from 2012-2019. The report highlights the conditions of the region’s water and outlines actions that communities can take to build resiliency to address water challenges.
MCD’s water stewardship program tracks and studies our region’s water and
works with communities to create water awareness and solutions.
Earlier this year, staff visited with county commissions and key stakeholders throughout the region to present the report highlights, which included:
• Good quality water is vital for the region.
• Water supports our region’s economic vitality.
• Our region’s water is in good shape but threats remain.
• The condition of rivers and streams influences the condition of groundwater.
• Challenges include more frequent and intense rain events, an overabundance of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and land development that destroys streambanks and wetlands.
• Actions big and small will be necessary to ensure abundant, clean water for our future.
at MCD
MCD works to help protect
and improve water for people living and working within the Great Miami River Watershed–a 3,946-square-mile area in southwest Ohio. We study
the human impact on rivers, streams, and aquifers; and work to increase public awareness
of water’s value. Using data collected by our staff and partners, we work collaboratively with elected officials and community leaders, providing them with valued research and insight. This helps support the overall health and growth of
our region. This work is funded by MCD’s Aquifer Preservation Subdistrict.
   Do your part
Helping communities plan for the future
do your part to help keep our region’s water healthy.
• Pick up after your pet.
• Take unused medications to a local drop-
off site. Never flush them down the
• Dispose of motor oil safely. Never pour
it down the drain.
• Dispose of household cleaners, paint and
chemicals safely.
• Plant rain gardens in your yard to help
filter runoff pollution.
 With threats to our region’s water and changing weather patterns, MCD is helping communities be more resilient. Through our water stewardship program, MCD assists cities and counties to find and implement ways to protect water.
Recent projects have:
• Reduced water pollution through improved land development.
• Kept groundwater safe by planting
prairies over sensitive areas.
• Protected drinking water sources by
helping communities implement source
water plans.
• Increased groundwater recharge through
progressive stormwater techniques such as pervious pavers and rain gardens.
Each of us can also contribute to our community’s and the region’s resilience. Small steps can lead to big changes. Please
  Protecting | Preserving | Promoting
The road ahead
To ensure MCD is meeting the region’s water concerns and challenges, local leaders were asked for their input on future MCD water stewardship programs.
Among stakeholders’ priorities were:
• Protectdrinkingwaterfromcontamination.
• Encouragesustainabledevelopment.
• Restorestreamssotheyarecleanandhealthy.
• Protectlandovervulnerablegroundwater.
• Improvedevelopmentpolicies/codesandordinances.
Prairies like the one above can filter pollution and keep groundwater safe.

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