Page 27 - MPA|NSW_Autumn2019
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CPR Group Australia Pty Ltd
CPR Group Australia Pty Ltd
CPR Painting Australia has demonstrated inspiring and outstanding customer service. Their dedication to delivering a quality service has been a testament to the entire painting and decorating industry, and all Master Painters.
Whiteys Painting & Maintenance
Whiteys Painting & Maintenance
Whiteys Painting & Maintenance have solidified their reputation for customer service this year. Their respect for customers and their commitment to delivering on everything they promise and quote will hold them in good stead for their future contracts.
    A wards
With the standard so high and the scoring so close, the Judges awarded Highly Commended Awards in the following categories:
Highly Commended Over $1,150,000 Highly Commended Under $350,000 Highly Commended Over $1,000,000 Highly Commended Over $50,000 Highly Commended Over $20,000 Highly Commended Under $40,000 Highly Commened Under $25,000 Highly Commended Under $50,000 Highly Commended Under $30,000 Highly Commended Under $10,000 Highly Commended Under $250,000 Highly Commended Under $100,000 Highly Commended Over $30,000 Highly Commended Under $20,000 Regional Highly Commended
Under $40,000
Regional Highly Commended Under $10,000
Regional Highly Recommended Under $100,000
Highly Commended Under $400,000
Highly Commended Under $200,000
Highly Commended Under $500,000
Regional Winner Under $50,000
Highly Commended Commercial Over $50,000
Regional Highly Commended Residential Over $5,000
Regional Highly Commended Residential Under $40,000
Highly Commended Under $100,000
Highly Commended Under $20,000
Highly Commended Under $5,000
Highly Commended Commercial Over $200,000
Industrial Finishes
Highly Commended Under $90,000 Highly Commended Under $30,000 Highly Commended Over $800,000 Highly Commended Under $300,000 Highly Commended Under $200,000 Highly Commended Over $100,000
Krete Painting Pty Ltd
Aaron's Painting
Robertsons Remedial & Painting 3 Colours Painting Services In2paint
Metro Painter Services Pty Ltd BLR Painting & Decorating Pty Ltd Proshield Pty Ltd
Summit Coating P/L
Whiteys Painting & Maintenance Townview Australia
CPR Group Australia Pty Ltd Timeframe Group
Men in White
Terrace Painting Services
Terrace Painting Services
Anton Hartley Colour City Painting Pty Ltd
Aaron's Painting Pty Ltd
Krete Paintingt Pty Ltd
ProjectCoat Pty Ltd
John Hersee Master Painter Pty Ltd Modern Painting Group
Terrace Painting Services Mulrooney Paintng & Decorating
Talbots Services
Men in White
I Paint Sydney Pty Ltd
Fabricate Paintng & Decorating Pty Ltd
Platinum Painting Company Pty Ltd
I Paint Sydney Pty Ltd
Programmed Property Services
CPR Group Australia Pty Ltd
Sydney and West Painting and Rope Access Talbots Services
The Master Painter Autumn 2019 27

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