Page 14 - NOV2021 Digial Issue
P. 14
Building The Sport Of Steak Cookoffs!
 SCA Thanksgiving
It’s November, so you know what this means, friends, family, and food. For some, they’ll book Cracker Barrell’s Thanksgiving feast for their big meal. While others get up early to put the turkey in the oven which was pre- pared the night before so it’s ready at 2pm for the family. Others view it as a time to grab leftovers while watching football all day. Whatever Thanks- giving is, one thing is true for everyone. It’s a time to be thankful for what we have, who we know, and what is in store for our future.
One of the traditions many families have is gathering around the Thanks- giving feast and saying one item in which they’re thankful. Mom would al- ways say her family, while Dad mentions something he thinks is funny. Your older brother would say something about you not annoying him yes- terday while he talked to his girlfriend. You baby sister would mention all over dolls, by name, while you rolled your eyes. And you, well you men- tioned something that just made your mom smile. Then you would eat a most delicious meal.
In the SCA, we can’t all gather around the dinning table to list things we’re thankful for, so we will list a couple things here.
We are thankful for our SCA office team. They keep the memberships and events in order. When you pay up, they let you know and when your dues are a little late, they send a reminder. They make sure new members get their membership cards and stickers. Many promoters are thankful for them designing the event posters as well, for it’s one less thing they must worry about. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what gets accomplished daily in the office and we could be more thankful to have the team we have.
We are thankful for our SCA representatives. These reps help the SCA keep running smoothly each week. There are so many events around the world it would be impossible for Ken & Brett to handle, so our reps make sure everything runs as smooth as glass. We couldn’t have an SCA without our reps. They work so close with the many promoters, it one of the rea- sons the SCA is the fastest growing sanctioning body in the world.
We are thankful for our SCA judges. These judges give each contest the credibility every cook is after. They take time to be trained properly and then take time out of their weekends to come to a contest, without pay. - 14

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