Page 16 - NOV2021 Digial Issue
P. 16
A NBBQA Thanksgiving
All the Halloween decorations are down or coming down. Cornucopias full of gourds are already sitting on the dining room table. The scarecrow hanging on the front door re- places the skeleton from last month and small Wal-Mart hay bales are beginning to find their way into the house. Trick or Treat, costumes and parties are being replaced with thoughts about what will be served
for Thanksgiving and how many will be coming. Cornbread or bread stuffing this year? Who will be bring- ing the cranberries or the rolls? Then the biggest question of all, what will we do with the turkey? Is it going to be smoked, fried or done the way grandma always did it?
Thanksgiving is a special time of
year, especially for those who love
food like us. Growing up Macy’s
Thanksgiving Day parade played
while mom was in the kitchen cook-
ing the big feast. So, at 9AM it will be
on the TV while we make all the sides as the turkey cooks. For many, football will also have a large roll in this day. But, for everyone it’s about just being Thankful. Thankful for your surroundings no matter what you have or don’t have. Thankful for those with whom you look at across the table today, and every day. Thankful for your parents, who may be some distance away. Thankful you’re alive to enjoy all this day brings. Have you ever thought about being thankful for your future, which could be full of wonderful mystery?
Then there is the thankfulness which comes with being a part of an organization like ours, the NBBQA. The NBBQA
exists to simply spread the love of BBQ far and wide. To be the leading authority of outdoor cooking. Most of all, the NBBQA exists to assist everyone in the business of BBQ. Many in our membership have attested to how the NBBQA has helped their business be the success it is. So, this month we are going to use the National BBQ News as our giant
Thanksgiving table and say what we are thankful for when it comes to the NBBQA. Before we go any fur- ther, if you have a story about the NBBQA in which you are Thankful, email it to us at We want to hear your stories. What you are thankful for. The ways the NBBQA has helped you.
The Board of Directors
When it comes to being thankful, this is a great place to begin. The reason this is the place to start, is because it is here where it all began over 30 years ago. Way back then, a
group of barbecuers got together with the simple purpose of advancing the love of BBQ. The faces have changed through the years, but the purpose hasn’t. We’ve had execu- tive directors who have helped navigate our course to bring us here today. But one constant has been our board of di- rectors. The current set of board members are very diverse in their BBQ backgrounds, and they have one thing in com- mon, they all have your BBQ growth at heart.
You can see this by the emphasis placed on the education and growth. Just a few weeks ago there was a new webinar with a panel of experts giving their tips and tricks in a live - 16