Page 17 - NOV2021 Digial Issue
P. 17

 session. This board, as with past boards, have created ways for you grow. From the seminars at the NBBQA conference to the sessions placed online for our members, the board of directors want nothing more than to see your business be- come the best it can be. As an NBBQA member, I am thank- ful for the board of directors.
The Membership
The NBBQA is more than some association with a single common denominator. The NBBQA is you, the members. Often associations and organizations forget about why they exist or for whom they exist, the membership. What is even more attractive to outsiders is they way our membership in- teracts with one another. The one word which comes to mind about our membership is “family.” Just like family, there are some with whom we speak to almost every day then there are others we see at the family reunions. Regard- less, though, everyone is still family. They still bring some- thing to the group even if it is their “famous” potato salad.
What our family brings is laughter. Every time we get to- gether whether its at an official NBBQA function or just meeting up at a cookoff, this laughter is everywhere. We enjoy being with one another. Because, in our family, we have people to speak to with whom we have something in common. It’s like BBQ is our surname. In our family we have someone to ask advice from and just swap stories with just like at a reunion. Our membership is something for which we can all be thankful.
The Events
Many of our first interactions with the NBBQA is at the big conference we have every year. Some of us became mem- bers first because of a relationship with a member, but overall, it’s the NBBQA Conference which hooked us. The seminars about how to prep and cook a whole hog, how to communicate when the media comes calling and the many others captivate us. The keynote speakers have written books about BBQ, business and life in general which draws us out of our rooms with coffee in hand. How many remem- ber the BBQ Bash? Selling tickets, feeding the public for a people’s choice award and just have a great time with one another. These events bring everyone together.
Then there are the un-official “events” like afterhours times around the bar. Many business deals have begun here or at breakfast over a hot cup of coffee. Then there’s the times when a few decide to go get oysters or prep pork butts for the Bash and lifelong friendships are formed. The network- ing get-togethers which were put on at major events like
Memphis in May, the American Royal and the SCA World Championships were a great success and would have con- tinued had there been no pandemic. An NBBQA event is something worth showing up for even if it means traversing across the nation to be there. These are just a few reasons why we are thankful for the NBBQA events.
The Education
The famed motivational speaker and sales guru, Zig Ziglar, once said, “If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” Not only is this a great quote but it encompasses all the NBBQA strives to accomplish with every seminar designed and promoted. The money you spend for membership isn’t just to have your name on a roll, it should carry value for every dollar you spend. This is where educational sessions come into play. As mentioned earlier, the sessions at the annual conference, from the keynotes to the breakout classes, are well thought out and designed with purpose.
Since COVID and the lack of the conference, many hours have been spent planning the online educational sessions. Within the NBBQA there are many experts who have navi- gated through the business potholes and are willing to help you avoid them. We have also contacted some of our na- tional partners and friends to put together sessions on our membership’s behalf. You can visit and sign up for these on- going sessions at There are also the Webi- nar Wednesdays (which we just had one). These panel of experts have been put together to help our membership to grow in their businesses, much like the Meet the Masters we’ve had at the conferences. Through the year many have expressed their thankfulness for these sessions.
There are many other characteristics of the NBBQA in which to be thankful. The relationships built, the acceptance, the stories and so much more. If you’re not a member of the NBBQA, then, honestly, you’re missing out on some great opportunities. If you are a member, then you know exactly how great it is to be a part of the NBBQA and are thankful for this support system.
Upcoming NBBQA Gathering
In just a couple weeks we will be having our NBBQA an in- person event for the fall. NBBQA invites all members and competitors for the 2nd annual Whole Hog Competition, November 12th and 13th in Byhalia, MS. This is a joint effort with Sweet Swine o' Mine, NBBQA and the SCA. Details of this event are be posted on the NBBQA website as well as the SCA’s website. We have several opportunities for com-
NOVEMBER 2021 - 17

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