Page 24 - April 2021 Barbecue News Digital
P. 24
Building The Sport Of Steak Cookoffs!
SCA World Championship – The Year of the Woman!
March 8th was the International Women’s Day but March 12-15 was the beginning of The Year of the Woman! In 1971, Helen Reddy sang, “I am Woman, Hear Me Roar” and this year at the SCA World Championship, we all heard the roar of Sandy Brown and 21-year-old, Marissa Ouverson. 300 steak cooks, all winners, gathered in Ft. Worth, TX to compete to be World Champion. The Friday night celebration crowning Sandy as the Points Champion just set the mood for the rest of the weekend. As she endeavored to be the first to win both rings (points championship and steak cookoff world championship) all eyes were on her. She has been
consistent all year with 8 wins, 36 top fives and 56 top tens. So, it isn’t any wonder the buzz was about Sandy pulling off what no one has yet. When the top 69
were called, only one other
points champion was called, 2019’s champ, Matt Ouver- son.
However, he wasn’t the only Ouverson to stand on the stage. His little sister, Marissa, heard her name and Matt couldn’t have been prouder. Especially since she cooked her very first steak during the Chimney Cartel exhibition at the 2019 World
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