Page 34 - April 2021 Barbecue News Digital
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Coming Up In the NBBQA – The State of the NBBQA
1. Last month, Patrick Murty, President of the NBBQA, noti- fied all our NBBQA Family of the unfortunate cancelation of our annual conference. He also mentioned that we would still try and bring you educational content to help maintain the value of being a member. These sessions will be much like the sessions you would receive at the conference, which is focused on helping you run your business, your service, and/or support your development. We are pleased to announce we are receiving some great virtual sessions from national companies such as, Prairie Fresh, Uber Eats, plus Certified Angus Beef, and confirming a few more. We hope to have these sessions available in early April for you to take advantage of. Stay tuned to our monthly newsletters and social media for details which will be announced soon.
2. Additionally, he mentioned the value of getting together face to face. We all miss that aspect of our conferences. Well, we are pleased to announce that NBBQA, SCA, and Sweet Swine O’Mine are joining forces to create a great event and you are all invited. The dates are November
12th and 13th. The location will be in Olive Branch, MS at Mark Lambert’s Whole Hog Competition, held on the Sweet Swine O’ Mine property. It will have all the elements we love; networking, competition, and demonstrations. Save the date for now, and details will be released soon. Again, stay current with the NBBQA by reading the newsletters and stopping by our social media.
3. Lastly, Patrick talked about ways members could support NBBQA, and you have been amazing. Thank you for renewing your memberships and for some, joining again. Without our main fundraiser, the conference, for 2020 and 2021, it’s been tough for our non-profit association. How- ever, we are getting stronger each month with your help. Thank you! We also wanted to let you know your board has made great strides to help maintain our association. Over the last year, here are some of the ways we reduced or eliminated expenses.
- Executive Director Salary. Now that we are a board man- aged association, this expense went away.
- Taxes filing: We found an accountant who is donating this expense
- Software for Website (Novi): This annual expense has been donated for 2021
- Microsoft: Decreased monthly payments and usage.
- Dropped all software subscriptions we no longer used or needed
- National Barbecue News subscriptions are now digital, saving print and mailing costs
- Decreased expense to produce NBBQA’s monthly newsletters from 4 to 2 times per month
- Monthly Accounting services – Donated.
So together, we are working to keep this great association moving forward! - 34
APRIL 2021