Page 34 - Barbecue News Magazine SEPT 2020
P. 34

and better benefits and everyone was more than ready for Hard- ing’s “return to normalcy” campaign. Soon after the election the country launched into an era of prosperity, the roaring 20’s. There were over 10 million cars traveling 100,000 miles of road increas- ingly more for fun and sport. Towns would open auto camps and invite tourist to “campout”. Gas stations would soon open near by providing fuel and food, which mainly included barbecue because it was cheap and voluminous.
The illustrious vagabonds included Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone and occasionally William Harding. These 4 so- called vagabonds would take very publicized camping trips during the summer called “The Great American Road Trip” to help pro- mote their products and brands. This cemented the American love affair with the open road and created a new outdoor recreational industry. Outdoor grilling and barbecue took on new meanings
during this time. B.Q. Score 6
30-Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929
Coolidge was sworn in by his own father after Harding’s sudden death and was the first president to deliver his acceptance speech over the radio. Coolidge was born on the 4TH of July and it is cel- ebrated every year at his birthplace with barbecue and fireworks. He put the “cool” in Coolidge and had a reputation for being all business and seldom spoke at social events or interviews. He was the first president to nationally recognize Father’s Day in 1924 and made Thanksgiving a National Holiday. In his famous speech at the150th Anniversary of the 4TH of July he reminded us “to cultivate and replenish moral leadership in order to glow with more a compelling flame”.
He and became a strong silent father figure during the “Age of Ba- balyon” in America. He had an excellent reputation on support- ing civil rights, passed anti lynching laws, he refussed to hire any member of the KKK. He passed the Indian Citizenship Act which gave Native Americans full citizenship and allowed them to keep their tribal lands. “No matter by what craft we came here, we are all now in the same boat.” His approach to food seemed to be very formal and he dressed up for every meal. Bacon and roast beef were his proteins of choice, the latter being served to him alomsot at every meal, dispite what the other guests were eating. Coolidige contributed a lot to the state of BBQ by his words and actions on key dates related to BBQ. B.Q. Score 5
Coolidge and his wife enjoying BBQ at July 4th celebration - 34

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