Page 10 - August 2021 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 10

 While more time spent at home may have sparked a real estate boom, a different kind of building taking place in the competitive cooking world. People are stepping up across the land to build something bigger than themselves.
This month, we take a look at a builder, an upgrader, and a remodeler!
The Builder
Gary Smith has a knack for looking at something and see- ing beyond its’ present state. When he became director of operations at Loblolly Farm, it had little more than unfer- tile fields. His vision was vi-
tial to its potential. The pine trees growing tall, the acres of manicured green lawn, and a stunning events venue all now stand in Semmes, Ala- bama, bring visitors from near and far.
Three years ago, a conversa- tion with a friend convinced him to host his first Steak Cookoff Association event. But his vision was bigger than
a singular event. In the next nine months his events will hand out 9 Steak Cookoff Association Golden Tickets and 3 World Food Championship tickets. What is even more im- pressive is the creativity embedded into the mission of his events. Whether being the Ladies Que’ creator which is held in October as part of Down South Grill Fest or the in- augural Gulf Coast Invitational in February of 2022, his events have flair. But if you pull back the curtain and get to know the man behind the promotions, you will find one of the biggest hearts in the sport. In April of 2022, his East Coast Invitational will include a veteran “pro-am” contest in partnership with Warrior Surf. Professional cooks will partner with military veterans to try to take home the day's
top prize.
Gary is also the founder of Project Kids Que, an initiative to get kids cooking. In a few short months, he has held 9 kid’s cooking classes, taught by some of the best profes- sional teams in the business. Project Kids Que has con- tributed to several kids’ competition purses, ensuring kids also have the chance to walk away with a prize. In July, the first Project Kids Que cookoff was held in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Gary showed up to bless the local kids cookoff. What he found was a group of steak cooks who wanted to contribute to the future of kid cooks, raising $3,400 for the cause.
We need people like Gary to ensure we always have a place to cook. The charities, Susan G. Komen Foundation, War-
rior Surf, and Project Kids Que, need us to show up to those events so they can invest into building people’s futures.
The Upgrader
Kailey Van Doren seamlessly made the transition from kid’s que to the adult category. In her first couple of contests, she was frustrated she did not get a call. But when she told me she came in 11th of 14th place, I knew she was on to something, and lighting was about to strike. In her third contest in, she walked in both Steak A and B in Spanish Fort, Alabama. In her fifth contest, she came in 2nd place and secured her Golden Ticket to the World Championship. A few weeks later, in Athens, Alabama she got a 5th place
The Building Boom Continues! - 10

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