Page 5 - Sous Vide Que
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 What Is Sous Vide Que?
Sous vide que is the marriage of Calypso the sea nymph and Vulcan the god of fire, blessed by Dionysus the god of ecstasy. By marrying water and fire, sous vide with the grill or smoker, we get sous vide que (pronounced soo veed cue) and we can achieve ecstatic results, in some cases, better than with either cooking method on its own.
And it is au courant. If you don’t already have a sous vide machine, there’s a good chance you will be getting one soon.
We want to make this simple, something that up until now has been hard to find because sous vide tends to attract technically savvy cooks, and they have made the process a bit too complicated. So if you want to get right to our simplified time and temperature settings, go to this page.
Sous vide is French and it means roughly “with a vacuum” because preparation involves vacuum sealing food in a pouch. A better

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