Page 156 - Barbecue Chicken Made Easy
P. 156
Grilled Skinless Boneless Buxom Chicken Breasts
This is the recipe you want for when you have the gang coming over and you want to step up a notch from hot dogs and burgers -- flavorful, moist, buxom chicken breasts. We recommend you remove the skins because they can prevent the brinerade from penetrating (the salty soy sauce makes it a brinerade), and the liquid just makes the skin soggy. Save the skins and make chicken skin cracklins to sprinkle on top.
This brinerade was the first recipe Meathead ever sold. He liked it so much he sent it to the producer of a fancy Dijon mustard and they liked it so much they published it on one of those little booklets that hangs on the bottle and sent him a check! So long ago he can't even remember the mustard brand. But the recipe still