Page 10 - Pitch Book Test
P. 10

Clover Pricing

               Software Plans by Device
                                                      Clover    Clover       Clover        Clover    Clover Go &
                                                     Station     Mini        Mobile         Flex       Go NFC
               Classic Register                      $30.00      N/A          N/A           N/A         $6.00
               billed via the Merchant Statement
               Register                                N/A      $30.00       $30.00       $30.00         N/A
               billed via the App Market direct to
                                                                     1            1            1
               Register Lite                           N/A      $9.95        $9.95         $9.95         N/A
               billed via the App Market direct to
               Payments Plus                           N/A        $0           $0           $0           N/A
                Price is per device billed through the Clover App Market
                Price is per device, billed via the Merchant Statement
                Price is per MID, billed via the Merchant Statement
               Clover Security Solutions
                                               Clover      Clover         Clover         Clover     Clover Go &
                                               Station     Mini          Mobile           Flex        Go NFC
               Data Encryption & Tokenization –   $5.00    $5.00          $5.00          $5.00         $5.00
               Billed via the Merchant Statement
               TAS Solution Bundle – Billed via   $15.95   $15.95        $15.95         $15.95        $15.95
               the Merchant Statement
               Price is per MID

               3G Wireless Fee
                                              Clover        Clover        Clover         Clover      Clover Go /
                                             Station         Mini         Mobile          Flex        Go NFC
               3G Wireless Data Plan 3         N/A          $15.00        $15.00         $15.00         N/A
                The fee is $15 plus applicable taxes per active SIM per month. The monthly subscription fee will be based on the number of
               active SIMs within the merchants account.  The per month data usage allocation is 1GB per active SIM. Clover reserves the right
               to charge for overage - a fee for excess use of data.
               Clover Hardware Pricing
                               Clover    Clover        Clover        Clover    Clover    Clover Go    Clover Go
                               Station   Station       Mini         Mobile      Flex                    NFC

               Partner         $2,495    $1,995        $895         $900        $800       $75          $125
               Pricing       P500 Printer           WiFi+Ethernet   WiFi+3G no Printer
                               $2,595                  $995         $1,095
                             P550 Printer          WiFi+Ethernet+3G   WiFi+3G w/ Printer
               Lease Price     $100       $95           $65          $70        $60        $10          $15
               *Based on a 48 month lease  $110         $70          $75

               Customer Facing: Clover Hardware & Software Fees                                         ver 03.18
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