Page 92 - Area 10 - Relevant Document
P. 92
2. Number of extension and training
programs/projects conducted
3. Number of extension and training
programs/projects to be conducted
4. Number of clienteles served Planning & Resource 1. Number of personnel
Generation = chargeable
to IGP for admin Share
2. Number of IGP projects
3. Number of linkages/collaborations forged
4.3.7. Internal Accounting Control for Disbursement No money shall be paid out to any public treasury or depository except in pursuance of an
appropriation, law or other specific statutory authority; Government funds shall be spent or used solely for public purposes; Trust funds shall be available and may be spent only for the specific purpose for which the
trust was created upon receipt of the funds; Fiscal responsibility shall, to the greatest extent, be shared by all those exercising authority
over the financial affairs, transactions and operations of the University; Disbursement or disposition of government funds or property shall invariably bear the
approval of the proper officials; Claims against government funds shall be supported with complete documents; All laws and regulations applicable to financial transactions shall be faithfully adhered to; Controlling accounts should be used as extensively as possible. Controlling accounts serve
as a proof of accuracy between account balance; All necessary sets of books should be maintained and reports should be regularly prepared
and tied-up with the respective controlling accounts; Accounting and disbursement functions should not be vested on one individual. An
employee should not have control of the operations giving rise to entries in the records i.e.,
the general ledger bookkeeper should not have access to the cash or to the records of cash
sales; Payments should be properly approved and be made by check whenever necessary and
issued to the name of the payee; All collections should be properly receipted and deposited intact and promptly in
accordance with pertinent regulations; and All accountable officers should be properly bonded.
4.3.8. Accounting for Allotments and Obligations The approved budget is not self-executory. It can be utilized only upon the release of
allotments: the General Allotment Release Order (GARO) and the Special Allotment Release
Order (SARO). These GAROs and SAROs serve as the authority to incur obligations. GAROs are
released annually by allotment class and in accordance with the itemization in the budget.
SAROs are released monthly or upon approval of the Department of Budget and Management of
the request of the University for payment of accounts payable and retirement gratuity or
terminal leave pay of retirees; To prevent the incurrence of overdraft, funds are earmarked for each proposed expenditure; For each obligation, an ALOBS is prepared to take up the incurrence of expenditures for any
lawful act made by an accountable officer for and in behalf of the agency in the performance of
its functions and goals; Disbursements shall be covered by a disbursement voucher and obligations are paid either by
check or in cash; Payments by checks are those obligations which are due to creditors for payment of deliveries
of supplies and services, advertisements, newspapers subscriptions, traveling expenses, seminar