Page 12 - Leadership
P. 12

4- Transactional Leadership


                          Difference between Transactional and
                                    Transformational Leaders

                Transactional leadership                 Transformational


                Leadership is responsive                 Leadership is proactive

                Works within the organizational culture  Work to change the organizational
                                                         culture by implementing new ideas

                Transactional leaders make employees     Transformational leaders motivate and

                achieve organizational objectives        empower employees to achieve
                through rewards and punishment           company’s objectives by appealing to
                                                         higher ideals and moral values

                Motivates followers by appealing to their   Motivates followers by encouraging them
                own self-interest                        to transcend their own interests for those
                                                         of the group or unit

                   By: Dr. Hussein Saad   Certified Level 5
                   Leadership and Coach                                                     12
                   +966 55 119 6445
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