Page 8 - Trait theory of Leadership
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The Great Man Theory
• The trait approach of leadership began with the Great Man theory
• The Great Man theory is a philosophical theory that aims to explain
history by the impact of “great men”, or heroes with certain
• The Great Man theory assumes that great leaders will arise when
there is a great need
Ahmed Carlyle (1795 – Researched the traits and
1881): Scottish writer, leadership of such men as
essayist, and historian who Jesus Christ, Muhammad,
wrote the book Heroes and Shakespeare, Martin Luther,
Hero Worship Napoleon Bonaparte, etc.
Scholarly followers of the Great Man theory
today would study the lives of such men as Sir
Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler from the Second
World War
Trait theory of Leadership –
2/1/2019 CarePoint Global leadership 8